Market liberalization in South African agriculture : did it lead to increased efficiency in the carbohydrate market?

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Show simple item record Sartorius von Bach, Helmke Jens Van Zyl, Johan Van Schalkwyk, Herman Daniel Van Rooyen, Johan
dc.contributor.editor Mudimu, Godfrey D.
dc.contributor.editor Mabeza-Chimedza, Ruvimbo
dc.contributor.upauthor Kirsten, Johann F. 2007-07-11T12:35:59Z 2007-07-11T12:35:59Z 1996
dc.description.abstract The first chapter provides a brief look at the extent of market liberalization in the South African agricultural sector. It shows which events led to the abolishment and deregulation of a number of marketing schemes under the Marketing Act. The second chapter discusses the results of the elimination of black commercial agriculture on the development of a viable employment-intensive rural economy. It is essential to restructure the rural economy in order to increase incomes for the existing population and create employment for a considerable share of the future population. It is concluded that market assisted approaches have possibilities for playing a major role in any rural restructuring effort in South Africa. en
dc.format.extent 21359 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier.citation Sartorius von Bach, J., Kirsten, J.F., Van Zyl, J., Van Schalkwyk, H.D. & Van Rooyen, J. (1996). In: Agricultural competitiveness, market forces, and policy choice : Eastern and Southern Africa perspectives and case studies. G.D. Mudimu & R. Mabeza-Chimedza (eds). Lit Verlag Munster-Hamburg. en
dc.identifier.isbn 3-8258-2565-5
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Lit Verlag en
dc.rights No permission granted by the publisher to include these chapters in the digital repository. en
dc.subject Agricultural reform en
dc.subject Marketing policy en
dc.subject.lcsh Land reform -- South Africa
dc.subject.lcsh Rural poor -- South Africa
dc.title Market liberalization in South African agriculture : did it lead to increased efficiency in the carbohydrate market? en
dc.title.alternative Market-based rural land reform in Southern Africa : real possibility or pipe dream? The case of South Africa's commercial agricultural sector. en
dc.type Book chapter en

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