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  • Botha, Philippus Jacobus (Old Testament Society of South Africa, 2003)
    This paper presents a poetic and social-scientific analysis of the book of Obadiah. It suggests that the social and theological problems to which the book forms a response is the attempt of the people of Judah to come ...
  • Stander, Hennie (Hendrik Frederik), 1953- (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
    One of the latest translations of the Bible in Afrikaans is DieBybel- The target group of this Bible is kids. Since this is a children's Bible, the scientific basis of this project is often overlooked. In ...
  • Botha, Philippus Jacobus (Department of Ancient Languages, University of Pretoria, 2003)
    Ephrem the Syrian’s twelfth hymn in the cycle De Virginitate is translated and analysed. This hymn describes the temptation of Christ by Satan as a contest in which Satan tried to humiliate Christ, but was defeated and ...
  • Botha, Philippus Jacobus (Old Testament Society of South Africa, 2004)
    Psalm 67 has been interpreted for a long time as part of an agricultural liturgy of thanksgiving for Yahweh’s grace. This paper argues that the psalm’s contents, its structure, and its immediate context in the book of ...
  • Botha, Philippus Jacobus (Old Testament Society of South Africa, 2004)
    Psalm 36 is a beautiful and masterfully crafted poem that once served to enhance the unity and conviction of a group of Yahweh worshippers. The strategy of the author seems to have been an attempt to create dissociation ...
  • Howes, Llewellyn (University of Pretoria, 2004)
    This study was motivated by the desire to make a difference in the world. A better understanding of how ancient peoples perceived the phenomenon of war, and how these perceptions were shaped by social values, can hold great ...
  • Botha, Philippus Jacobus (Department of Ancient Languages, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    The first hymn in Ephrem the Syrian’s cycle Contra Haereses is translated and analysed in terms of its rhetorical and argumentative features. It seems that Ephrem used various rhetorical strategies to construct a polarity ...
  • Botha, Philippus Jacobus (Reformed Theological College, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    The article presents a literary and social-scientific analysis of the text of Psalm 101. The ideological purpose of the text seems to have been more than a mere declaration of intent made by someone about to ascend the ...
  • Botha, Philippus Jacobus (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    This paper endeavours to analyse Psalm 79 as a poetic composition and an ideological document. From the analysis, it seems that the psalm primarily served a Judaean community of believers as a means of coping with their ...
  • Steenkamp, Johan (University of Pretoria, 2004-07-25)
    Vergil's poems are exceptionally complex and polyhedral. An understanding and interpretation of the deeper meaning are further hindered by the fluency of the surface structure. A structural analysis is an excellent way to ...
  • Botha, Philippus Jacobus (Old Testament Society of South Africa, 2005)
    This article is a social-scientific investigation of the ideology displayed in Psalm 1 and the ideology displayed in Psalm 2. It endeavours to describe the ideological points of contact between the two psalms, so as to ...
  • Stander, Hennie (Hendrik Frederik), 1953- (Reformed Theological College, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2005)
    According to Matthew 10:29, not one sparrow will fall to the ground “apart from the Father”. The latter phrase is elliptical, and it is not clear what type of involvement from the Father is meant. This article examines how ...
  • Swart, G.J. (Gerhardus Jacobus), 1955- (Reformed Theological College, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2005)
    Since the publication more than a decade ago of two comprehensive studies on verbal aspect in New Testament Greek (Porter 1989; Fanning 1990), scholarly discussion has tended to focus more on the differences than on the ...
  • Botha, Philippus Jacobus (Department of Ancient Languages, University of Pretoria, 2005)
    This paper investigates the exegetical notes on Daniel 3 in the Syriac commentary attributed to Ephrem the Syrian. It is established that the text which the author of the commentary used is most probably that of the ...
  • Botha, Philippus Jacobus (Old Testament Society of South Africa, 2005)
    The meaning of the word ‘Torah’ in Psalm 1:2 is investigated in the light of the intratextual context of Psalm 1 itself and in the light of intertextual connections of this psalm with Joshua 1, Jeremiah 17, Psalms 52 and ...
  • Steenkamp, Yolande (University of Pretoria, 2005)
    This study adopted a multi-dimentional approach in its inquiry as to the relationship between the Elijah Cycle and the religious and political agenda of DH. It has argued, on the basis of literary features and contents of ...
  • Slabbert, M.J. (Martin Johannes) (University of Pretoria, 2005-01-09)
    AFRIKAANS: Hierdie studie poog om deur 'n omvattende eksegetiese ondersoek van Psalms 9 en l0 op literêre - , semantiese - en sosiologiese vlak tot 'n verantwoordbare verstaan van die vyand in Psalms 9 en 10 te kom. Die ...
  • Manders, Cobus (University of Pretoria, 2005-03-08)
    In the Old Testament there are many references to musical instruments and each one performs its own specific function. Especially in the Psalms we come across quite a few musical instruments. What is very obvious is the ...
  • Smit, Gerrit Daniel Stephanus (University of Pretoria, 2005-03-10)
    White (1967:1203-1207) places the blame for the current raping of our environment on the Christians’ interpretation of Genesis 1:28 (“God blessed them and said to them: ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth ...
  • Kritzinger, J.P.K. (Jacobus) (Department of Ancient Languages, University of Pretoria, 2006)
    This article focuses on the controversial Biblical figure, Rahab, the harlot of Jericho, and especially how the Latin Church fathers saw her. Rahab, whose story is told in the second chapter of the book of Joshua, betrayed ...