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South Africa (SA) (8)
Labour law (6)
Collective bargaining (4)
International Labour Organisation (ILO) (4)
Labour Relations Act (LRA) (4)
Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge (4)
Workplace (4)
Arbeidsreg (3)
Companies Act (3)
Constitution (3)
Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa (3)
Labour Relations Act (3)
Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997 (2)
Business rescue (2)
Deemed (2)
Democracy (2)
Employees (2)
Labour appeal court (2)
Labour Court (2)
Labour Relations Act of 1995 (LRA) (2)
Majoritarianism (2)
Right to strike (2)
South African Airways (SAA) (2)
South African constitution (2)
Supreme Court of Appeal (2)
Temporary employment services (2)
Trade union (2)
Trade unions (2)
African National Congress (ANC) (1)
Age (1)
Agency work (1)
Agency worker (1)
Agentskapswerker (1)
Amendments to the Labour Relations Act (1)
Amendments to the LRA (1)
Arbeidsappelhof (1)
Arbeidshof (1)
Arbeidsmakelaar (1)
Arbitration (1)
Artikel 189(3)-kennisgewing (1)
Authority of the labour court (1)
Automatic unfair dismissal (1)
Bargaining council agreements (1)
Beskermde staking (1)
Bill of Rights (1)
Breë basis swart ekonomiese bemagtiging (B-BBEE) (1)
Broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE) (1)
Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003 (1)
Business rescue plan (1)
Business rescue practitioners (1)
Business rescue practitioners (BRPs) (1)
Business rescue process (1)
Chirwa (1)
Claims against employees (1)
Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) (1)
Common-law (1)
Company law (1)
Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) (1)
Constitution Seventeenth Amendment Act (1)
Constitutional court (1)
Constitutional democracy (1)
Constitutional right to strike (1)
Contract of employment (1)
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (1)
Corporate rescue (1)
Court (1)
COVID-19 pandemic (1)
Creditors' interests (1)
Decent work (1)
Discrimination (1)
Dismissal (1)
Dismissal based on operational requirements (1)
Dismissal law (1)
Dismissal on grounds of operational requirements (1)
Disputes of interest (1)
Disputes of right (1)
Dual employers (1)
Dubbelwerkgewers (1)
E-mail (1)
Economic transformation (1)