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UCTD (48)
Law theses SDG-16 (9)
SDG-16: Peace, justice and strong institutions (9)
South Africa (SA) (7)
SDG-08: Decent work and economic growth (6)
Law articles SDG-08 (3)
Law theses SDG-08 (3)
SDG-10: Reduced inequalities (3)
SDG-17: Partnerships for the goals (3)
South African law (3)
Suid-Afrikaanse reg (3)
Consumer protection (2)
Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (CPA) (2)
Law theses SDG-10 (2)
Law theses SDG-17 (2)
World trade organization (WTO) (2)
Abuse of administrative powers (1)
Adolescent girls (1)
Adolessente meisies (1)
Aediles curules (1)
Affordability assessment regulations (1)
Agreement (1)
Alienation of land (1)
Alienation of Land Act 68 of 1981 (1)
Anti-competitive (1)
Anti-corruption (1)
Anti-dumping (1)
Anti-dumping investigations (1)
Anti-dumping law (1)
Arbeidsreg (1)
Argument (1)
Argumenteer (1)
Artikel 129(1)(a) (1)
Artikel 78(3) Nasionale Kredietwet (1)
Artikel 81(2) Nasionale Kredietwet (1)
Avoidance of double counting (1)
Banking Law (1)
Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997 (1)
Bekostigbaarheidsassessering-regulasies (1)
Belgian law (1)
Bestaande finansiele vermoëns en vooruitsigte (1)
business rescue (1)
Cartel enforcement (1)
Case law (1)
Challenges (1)
Chapter 4 (1)
Claims against employees (1)
Commercial practices (1)
Common law (1)
companies act (1)
Companies Act 71 of 2008 (1)
company act (1)
Competition Law (1)
Competition law (1)
competition law (1)
Concurrent prison sentences (1)
Consumer insolvency (1)
Consumer Protection Act (1)
consumer protection act (1)
Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (1)
Consumer right (1)
Consumer rights (1)
Consumers (1)
Consumer’s fundamental right (1)
Contraceptive information and services (1)
Corporate leniency policy (1)
Corporate mergers (1)
Credit agreement debt (1)
Credit assessment (1)
Credit providers (1)
creditors (1)
Curatorship (1)
Customs administration (1)
Customs and Excise Act (1)
Customs duties (1)
Customs tariff classification (1)
Debt relief (1)
Debt repayment history (1)
Debt- prevention (1)
Deed of sale (1)
Definisies (1)
Definitions (1)
Discretionary income (1)
Diskresionere inkomste (1)
Duty to conduct (1)
Eise teen werknemers (1)
Elderly consumers (1)
Employees of the church (1)
Engelse Reg (1)
English law (1)
Equality (1)
Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act (1)
European Union Law (1)
Existing financial means and prospects (1)
Farm (1)
Findings (1)
Fundamental differences (1)
General anti-avoidance rules (GAARs) (1)
German law (1)
Gevangenisstraf konkurrent (1)