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SDG-10: Reduced inequalities (155)
SDG-16: Peace, justice and strong institutions (136)
Theology articles SDG-10 (128)
SDG-04: Quality education (118)
Theology articles SDG-16 (110)
Theology articles SDG-04 (96)
SDG-05: Gender equality (42)
SDG-01: No poverty (28)
Theology articles SDG-05 (28)
Theology theses SDG-10 (26)
SDG-03: Good health and well-being (25)
Theology theses SDG-16 (24)
UCTD (23)
Theology theses SDG-04 (22)
Theology articles SDG-01 (20)
Theology articles SDG-03 (19)
Jesus (18)
Theology theses SDG-05 (14)
SDG-08: Decent work and economic growth (11)
SDG-17: Partnerships for the goals (10)
SDG-11: Sustainable cities and communities (9)
Theology articles SDG-08 (9)
New Testament (8)
SDG-02: Zero hunger (8)
Theology articles SDG-11 (8)
Theology theses SDG-01 (8)
Theology articles SDG-17 (7)
Paul (6)
South Africa (SA) (6)
Theology theses SDG-03 (6)
Zimbabwe (6)
Biblical hermeneutics (5)
God (5)
Hebrews (5)
Identity (5)
Masculinity (5)
Africa (4)
Bible (4)
Christianity (4)
Netherdutch Reformed Church of Africa (NRCA) (4)
Parables (4)
Social identity (4)
Theology articles SDG-02 (4)
Theology theses SDG-02 (4)
Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM) (3)
Christology (3)
Early Christianity (3)
Gender (3)
Gospel of John (3)
Gospel of Mark (3)
Gospel of Matthew (3)
Humanity (3)
Jesus of Nazareth (3)
Kingdom of God (3)
Lord’s prayer (3)
Love (3)
Mark (3)
Mission (3)
Morality (3)
Parables of Jesus (3)
Ritual failure (3)
Rudolf Bultmann (3)
Sensing, intuition, feeling and thinking (SIFT) (3)
Servant leadership (3)
Social justice (3)
Theology theses SDG-17 (3)
Violence (3)
African Pentecostalism (2)
Apostle Paul (2)
Christ (2)
Christians (2)
Church (2)
Community (2)
Death of Jesus (2)
Divine revelation (2)
Ecumenism (2)
Ernst Fuchs (2)
Ethics (2)
Ethnicity (2)
Faith (2)
Gerhard Ebeling (1912-2001) (2)
Gospel (2)
Healing (2)
Hermeneutics (2)
Holy spirit (2)
Insiders (2)
Interpretation (2)
Irony (2)
Life story (2)
Liminality (2)
Lutheran Church of Uganda (2)
Meals (2)
Minister (2)
Ministry (2)
New Testament studies (2)
Outsiders (2)
Patriarchy (2)
Poverty (2)
Psychological type theory (2)
Racial segregation (2)