Atavism of skin markings : surface patterns in architecture

Show simple item record De Bruyn, Derick 2013-03-06T09:39:17Z 2013-03-06T09:39:17Z 2012
dc.description.abstract The recurrence of the traditional practice of patterns on surfaces of the human body and architecture is explored here. In histories and theories of architecture bodily markings have been used to describe the metaphors of ornamentation in architecture. Architectural patterns are a potent device for architectural articulation and announcement expressing the character of a building. Yet Adolf Loos’ essay ‘Ornament and Crime’ and the nineteenth-century criminal anthropology sought to get rid of decoration for a culture of modernity. This research highlights the influence and fallacy of those unornamented theories on the meanings of behavioural decorum in post-modern and contemporary modes and agendas of surface patterning. Decoration and decorum as social coding, albeit more neutral, less ritualized, less conspicuous, is still seen as apropos. en
dc.description.abstract Die terugkeer na die tradisionele praktyk van oppervlakpatrone op die menslike liggaam en argitektuur word hier ondersoek. In argitektoniese geskiedenisse en teorieë is liggaamlike merke gebruik om metafore van versiering in argitektuur te beskryf. Argitektoniese patrone is 'n kragtige apparaat vir argitektoniese artikulasie en aankondiging vir die uitdrukking van karakter van 'n gebou. Maar Adolf Loos se opstel Ornament and Crime en die negentiende-eeuse kriminele antropologie, het eerder probeer om ontslae te raak van versiering vir 'n kultuur van moderniteit. Hierdie navorsing dui op die invloed en die dwaling van daardie teorieë relatief tot die betekenis van gedragsfatsoenlikheid in post-moderne en kontemporêre modes en agendas van oppervlakpatrone. Die versiering en die dekorum as sosiale kodering, hoewel meer neutraal, minder geritualiseerd, minder opvallend , word nog steeds gesien as apropos. af
dc.description.librarian am2013 en
dc.description.librarian ai2013
dc.description.uri en
dc.identifier.citation De Bruyn, D 2012, 'Atavism of skin markings : surface patterns in architecture', South African Journal of Art History, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 21-38. en
dc.identifier.issn 0258-3542
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Art Historical Work Group of South Africa en
dc.rights Art Historical Work Group of South Africa en
dc.subject Tattoos en
dc.subject Behavioural decorum en
dc.subject Atavisme af
dc.subject Insnydings in die vel af
dc.subject Gedrags-dekorum af
dc.subject Tatoeëermerke af
dc.subject.lcsh Decoration and ornament, architectural en
dc.subject.lcsh Symbolism in architecture en
dc.subject.lcsh Scarification (Body marking) en
dc.subject.lcsh Tattooing en
dc.subject.lcsh Atavism en
dc.title Atavism of skin markings : surface patterns in architecture en
dc.title.alternative Atavisme van velmerke : oppervlakpatrone in argitektuur af
dc.type Article en

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