Companies producing Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) are faced with great challenges when competing in such a demanding market. As the phrase Fast Moving Consumer Goods states, the movement of goods to the consumer must be as quick as possible, because of the high risk of contamination, which may lead to food poisoning. Best practices must therefore be applied in order to manage supply chains, transportation and inventory systems effectively.
Earlybird Farms, a company in this market, has an advantage over other competitors as the supplier of one of its main processes is a business entity, the well known Bailing Plant. The Bailing Plant supplies Earlybird Farms’ broiler process with high quality bedding material, at a very competitive price. The quality of the bedding material has a major influence on the quality of the final product and therefore demands careful considerations when external factors impedes on the quality of the bedding material.
The location of the Bailing Plant is under consideration as its current lease agreement of the site is about to expire. A feasibility study is conducted in order to find an optimal solution for the plant’s future facility plans from a set of alternatives without compromising the quality of its product. Engineering techniques and approaches are used throughout this project in search of the best solution.