Generic building blocks for simulation modelling of stochastic continuous systems

Show simple item record Albertyn, Martin Kruger, P.S. (Paul Stephanus), 1944- 2012-11-27T07:31:59Z 2012-11-27T07:31:59Z 2003
dc.description This paper is a more detailed version of a paper titled: “Generic Modelling of a Stochastic Continuous System” that was presented at the 16th European Simulation Multiconference (ESM’2002) that was held from 3 to 5 June 2002 in Darmstadt, Germany. en_US
dc.description.abstract The key objective is to present the generic building blocks of a methodology that can be used to model stochastic continuous systems efficiently. The original simulation model of a real-world system is used as the basis for the development of a generic modelling methodology. The generic building blocks of the methodology are used to construct two new simulation models using two different simulation software packages (Arena and Simul8). The evaluation method, the determination of adequate sample sizes and the verification and validation of the models are discussed. The models and software packages are compared and conclusions are presented. en_US
dc.description.abstract Die hoofdoelwit is om die generiese boublokke van ‘n metodiek voor te hou wat gebruik kan word om stogastiese kontinue stelsels doeltreffend te modelleer. Die oorspronklike simulasiemodel van ‘n werklike-wêreld-stelsel word gebruik as die basis vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n generiese modelleringsmetodiek. Die generiese boublokke van die metodiek word gebruik om twee nuwe simulasiemodelle te konstrueer met twee verskillende simulasiesagtewarepakkette (Arena en Simul8). Die evaluasiemetode, die vasstelling van voldoende monstergroottes en die verifikasie en validering van die modelle word bespreek. Die modelle en sagtewarepakkette word vergelyk en gevolgtrekkings word voorgehou. en_US
dc.description.uri en_US
dc.format.extent 16 pages en_US
dc.format.medium PDF en_US
dc.identifier.citation Albertyn, M & Kruger, PS 2003, 'Generic building blocks for simulation modelling of stochastic continuous systems', The South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 47-61. [] en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1012-277X (print)
dc.identifier.issn 2224-7890 (online)
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering en_US
dc.rights Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering en_US
dc.subject Simulation modelling en_US
dc.subject Stochastic continuous systems en_US
dc.title Generic building blocks for simulation modelling of stochastic continuous systems en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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