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Remote sensing (22)
SDG-15: Life on land (5)
Geographic information system (GIS) (3)
Malaria (3)
Biodiversity (2)
Earth observation (2)
Environmental (2)
Grass biomass (2)
South Africa (SA) (2)
Sustainable development goals (SDGs) (2)
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) (2)
Above ground biomass (AGB) (1)
Aboveground grass biomass (AGGB) (1)
Absolute uncertainty (1)
Antennas (1)
Artificial satellites in geographical research (1)
Artificial satellites in remote sensing (1)
Atmosphere -- Laser observations (1)
Backscattering (1)
Biochemical parameters (1)
Biodiversity monitoring (1)
Calibration (1)
Carbon sequestration (1)
Change detection (1)
Classification (1)
Classification approaches and techniques (1)
Climate change and variability (1)
Climate hazards group infrared precipitation with station data (CHIRPS) (1)
Climate variability (1)
Climatic (1)
Communications (1)
Conservation (1)
Correlation coefficient (1)
Crop farming (1)
Crop water requirements (CWR) (1)
Cyber-infrastructure (1)
Display technology (1)
Drought Severity Index (DSI) (1)
Eddy covariance (1)
Elevation (1)
Enhanced vegetation index (EVI) (1)
Environment (1)
Evapotranspiration (1)
Evapotranspiration (ET) (1)
Extended Kalman filter (1)
Forage quality (1)
Forecasting (1)
Geology -- Statistical methods (1)
Grasslands (1)
High average power (1)
High performance computing (HPC) (1)
Hydroperiod (1)
Illumination conditions (1)
Illumination uniformity (1)
Image enhancement (1)
Index insurance (1)
Index-based crop insurance (IBCI) (1)
Invasive alien plant species (IAPS) (1)
Kalman filtering (1)
Kappa coefficient (1)
Knowledge of evapotranspiration (1)
Lacustrine wetlands (1)
Land cover (1)
Land surface temperature (LST) (1)
Land surface temperature for day (LSTD) (1)
Land surface temperature for night (LSTN) (1)
Land use (1)
Land use and land cover (LULC) (1)
Land use/land cover (1)
Land use/land cover (LULC) (1)
Landsat (1)
Landsat 8. Land degradation (1)
Large aperture boundary layer scintillometer (1)
Laser transmission (1)
Latent heat flux (1)
LIDAR measurements (1)
Machine learning (1)
Maize farming (1)
Mapping (1)
Mauritius thorn (Caesalpinia decapetala) (1)