1996 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Volume 63, 1996

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1996 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Volume 63, 1996


Contentes Pages: Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol ??, 19??


Volume 63: Number 1

Field observations on the duration of immunity in cattle after vaccination against Anaplasma and Babesia species Tjornehoj, K, Lawrence, JA, Whiteland, AP & Kafuwa, PT 1

Effect of cyclophosphamide on the acquisition of resistance to infestation by Rhipicephalus appendiculatus in rabbits Binta, MG, Mushi, EZ & Rurangirwa, FR 7

Biochemical and haematological values in abattoir pigs with and without subclinical lesions Makinde, MO, Majok, AA & Hill, FWG 11

An outbreak of bovine tuberculosis in a free-living African buffalo (Syncerus caffer-Sparrman) population in the Kruger National Park: a preliminary report Kriek, NPJ, Keet, DF, Raath, JP, De Vos, V, Huchzermeyer, HFAK & Bengis, RG 15

Adult ixodid ticks on two cattle breeds in the south-western Free State, and their seasonal dynamics Fourie, LJ, Kok, DJ & Heyne, H 19

Geographical distribution and relative abundance of stock-associated Culicoides species (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in southern Africa, in relation to their potential as viral vectors Venter, GJ, Nevill, EM & Van der Linde, TC De K 25

Redescriptions of Dichelyne (Dichelyne) rasheedae Petter, 1974 and Spirocamallanus olseni Campana-Rouget & Razarihelissoa, 1965, recorded for the first time from fish in Lake St. Lucia, South Africa Saayman, JE & Gibbons, LM 39

Brucellosis surveillance and control in Zimbabwe: bacteriological and serological investigation in dairy herds Mohan, K, Makaya, PV, Muvavarirwa, P, Matope, G, Mahembe, E & Pawandiwa, A 47

Research communications:

Improving the specificity of indirect immunofluorescence for the serological diagnosis of bovine anaplasmosis Lawrence, JA, Whiteland, AP, Kafuwa, PT & Njuguna, LM 53

Subcellular localization of the nonstructural protein NS3 of African horsesickness virus Huismans, H, Stoltz, MA, Van der Merwe, CF & Coetzee, J 57

Cryopreservation of sheathed third-stage larvae of Nematodirus spathiger Titoy, GAP 63

Volume 63: Number 2

The distribution, diagnoses and estimated economic impact of plant poisonings and mycotoxicoses in South Africa Kellerman, TS, Naude, TW & Fourie, N 65

The efficacy of amitraz against cattle ticks in Tanzania Kagaruki, LK 91

First report of field outbreaks of ergot-alkaloid toxicity in South Africa Schneider, DJ, Miles, CO, Garthwaite, I, Van Halderen, A, Wessels, JC & Lategan, HJ 97

Demarcation of potentially mineral-deficient areas in Central and Northern Namibia by means of natural classification systems Grant, CC, Biggs, HC & Meissner, HH 109

The usefulness of faecal phosphorus and nitrogen in interpreting differences in live-mass gain and the response to P supplementation in grazing cattle in arid regions Grant, CC, Biggs, HC, Meissner, HH & Basson, PA 121

Screening of the venoms of two Parabuthus scorpion species on isolated cardiomyocytes Van Aarde, MN, Van Rooyen, JM & Van Aswegen, G 127

The osteology of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana): vertebral column, ribs and sternum Bezuidenhout, AJ & Seegers, CD 131

The comparative host status of red veld rats (Aethomys chrysophilus) and bushveld gerbils (Tatera leucogaster) for epifaunal arthropods in the southern Kruger National Park, South Africa Braack, LEO, Horak, IG, Jordaan, LC, Louw, JP & Segerman, J 149

Heartwater in sheep and goats: a review Yunker, CE 159

Selenium toxicosis with focal symmetrical poliomyelomalacia in postweaning pigs in South Africa Penrith, M-L & Robinson, JTR 171

Cryopreservation of sheathed third-stage larvae of Ancylostoma caninum (hookworm of dogs) and Ancylostoma tubaeforme (hookworm of cats) Titoy, GAP & Malan, FS 181

Brucella melitensis biotype 1 outbreak in goats in northern KwaZulu-Natal Reichel, R, Nel, JR, Emslie, R, Bishop, GC 183

Book review 187

Volume 63: Number 3

Transmission of the South African asinine strain of equine arteritis virus (EAV) among horses and between donkeys and horses Paweska, JT, Aitchison, H, Chirnside, ED & Barnard, BJH 189

Pathogenicity differences between South African isolates of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale Gummow, B, Travers, AF & Coetzee, L 197

Solid-phase extraction and HPLC determination of levamisole hydrochloride in sheep plasma Du Preez, JL & Lotter, AP 209

Effect of anti-thymocyte serum on acquisition of resistance to infestation by Rhipicephalus appendiculatus larvae in rabbits Binta, MG, Mushi, EZ & Rurangirwa, FR 213

Changes in the incidences of the different serovars of Haemophilus paragallinarum in South Africa: a possible explanation for vaccination failures Verschoor, JA, Bragg, RR & Coetzee, L 217

Host range, survival in dead hosts, cryopreservation, periodicity and morphology of Plasmodium durae Herman in experimental infections Huchzermeyer, FW 227

Tuberculosis in buffaloes (Syncerus caffer) in the Kruger National Park: spread of the disease to other species Penrith, M-L, Michel, AL, Keet, DF, Kriek, NPJ & Huchzermeyer, HFAK 239

Macroscopic blood supply to the hypophysis and hypothalamus of the ostrich (Struthio camelus) Groenewald, HB, Elias, MZJ & Bezuidenhout, AJ 245

Heterophile antibodies to chicken erythrocytes in sheep infected with Trypanosoma congolense Joshua, RA, Neils, JS & Oladosu, LA 253

Research communications:

In vitro cultivation of Babesia occultans Van Niekerk, CJ & Zweygarth, E 259

Radiolabelled adult Haemonchus contortus obtained from eggs voided in the faeces of a sheep injected with 59Fe Van Wyk, JA & Titoy, GAP 263

Volume 63: Number 4

Theiler Memorial Trust Award

Parasites of South African wildlife. XIV. Helminths of nyalas (Tragelaphus angasii) in the Mkuzi Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal Boomker, JDF, Booyse, DG, Horak, IG, Watermeyer, R, De Villiers, IL & Flamand, JRB 265

Seasonal dynamics of the Karoo paralysis tick (Ixodes rubicundus): a comparative study on Merino and Dorper sheep Fourie, LJ & Kok, DJ 273

Experimentally induced chronic copper toxicity in cattle Gummow, B 277

Control of pest blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) along the Orange River, South Africa: 1990-1995 Palmer, RW, Edwardes, M & Nevill, EM 289

Spatial and temporal variations in the commencement of seasonal activity in the Karoo paralysis tick, Ixodes rubicundus Horak, IG, Fourie, LJ & Kok, DJ 305

Immunophenotypic classification of canine malignant lymphoma on formalin-fixed paraffin wax-embedded tissue by means of CD3 and CD79a cell markers Milner, RJ, Pearson, J, Nesbit, JW & Close, P 309

Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) associated with livestock in the Onderstepoort area, Gauteng, South Africa as determined by light-trap collections Venter, GJ, Meiswinkel, R, Nevill, EM & Edwardes, M 315

Photosensitivity in South Africa. IX. Structure elucidation of a beta-glucosidase-treated saponin from Tribulus terrestris and the identification of saponin chemotypes of South African T. terrestris Wilkins, AL, Miles, CO, De Kock, WT, Erasmus, GL, Basson, AT & Kellerman, TS 327

The intestine and endocrine pancreas of the African elephant: a histological, immunocytochemical and immunofluorescence study Van Aswegen, G, De Vos, V, Schoeman, JH, Van Noorden, S & Kotze, SH 335

Distribution of viral antigen in tissues of new-born lambs infected with Rift Valley fever virus Coetzer, JAW, Van der Lugt, JJ & Smit, MME 341

Book review 349

Author index 351

Subject index 359

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