Who's in a name : eponymy of the name Aloe thompsoniae Groenew., with notes on naming species after people

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dc.contributor.author Figueiredo, Estrela
dc.contributor.author Smith, G.F. (Gideon Francois), 1959-
dc.date.accessioned 2012-01-03T09:22:33Z
dc.date.available 2012-01-03T09:22:33Z
dc.date.issued 2011
dc.description.abstract Since the name Aloe thompsoniae Groenew. was published in the mid-1930s, doubt has existed about whom it was named for. We determine that the specific epithet commemorates (Mrs) Edith Awdry (‘Googoo’) Thompson [née Eastwood] (2 January 1895–2 August 1991) who first collected material on which the name is based. Biographical information is provided for Awdry Thompson, as well as notes on naming species after people. en
dc.description.abstract Seit der Name Aloe thompsoniae Groenew. in der Mitte der 1930er- Jahre publiziert wurde, herrschten Zweifel, nach wem die Art benannt wurde. Wir stellen fest, dass das Artepithet (Mrs) Edith Awdry (‘Googoo’) Thompson [geborene Eastwood] (2. Januar 1895– 2. August 1991) ehrt, die als Erste Material sammelte, auf dem der Name basiert. Es werden biographische Angaben zu Awdry Thompson gegeben, gefolgt von Bemerkungen über die Benennung von Arten nach Personen. de
dc.description.librarian nf2012 en
dc.description.uri http://www.bcss.org.uk/journal.html en_US
dc.identifier.citation Figueiredo, E & Smith, GF 2011, 'Who's in a name : eponymy of the name Aloe thompsoniae Groenew., with notes on naming species after people', Bradleya, vol. 29, pp. 121-124. en
dc.identifier.issn 0265-086X
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/17729
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher British Cactus and Succulent Society en_US
dc.rights British Cactus and Succulent Society en
dc.subject Aloe thompsoniae Groenew en
dc.subject Plant names en
dc.subject.lcsh Aloe -- Nomenclature en
dc.title Who's in a name : eponymy of the name Aloe thompsoniae Groenew., with notes on naming species after people en
dc.type Article en

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