Browsing Theology by Issue Date

Browsing Theology by Issue Date

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  • Pont, A.D. (Adriaan Drost), 1927-; Van Aarde, A.G. (Andries G.) (Tydskrifafdeling van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika, 1994)
    Die geskiedenis van die kerk in Nederland, al is dit net oorsigtelik, bly belangrik vir die verstaan van die geskiedenis van die kerk in Suid-Afrika. In 'n sekere sin is dit vanselfsprekend, want van 1652 tot 1795 is die ...
  • Van Aarde, A.G. (Andries G.); Van Aarde, A.G. (Andries G.) (Periodicle Section of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika, 1994)
    This book is aimed at the specialist in Matthean studies. Throughout the book debate is conducted with scholars, even on aspects of the interpretation of material in the Gospel of Matthew. The book is, however, not ...
  • Tolmay, Barry John (University of Pretoria, 1994)
    Die historiese wortels van apartheid is vasgele in die tydperk tussen 1652 en 1948. Die Ned. Geref. Kerk het vanaf die dertigerjare van die twintigste eeu die regering versoek om apartheid statuter uit te bou. Met die ...
  • Pilch, John J. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1995)
    This essay sketches a basic introduction to medical anthropology as a key to understanding and interpreting the healing activity of the historical Jesus described in the gospels. It presents select literature, leading experts, ...
  • Pont, A.D. (Adriaan Drost), 1927- (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1995)
    In 1894 the section of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk which withdrew from the attempt at church unification in 1885 and those members of the church who had taken part in the unification but withdrew in 1890, joined ...
  • Botha, Philippus Jacobus (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1995)
    The Gattung of a psalm is generally still regarded as the key to its interpretation. Since Psalm 14 shows relatedness to a number of different genres, inter alia to wisdom literature and prophecy, there is little or no ...
  • Vos, C.J.A. (Casparus Johannes Adam), 1945- (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1995)
    The importance of the context of the hearer with regard to homiletics are exploited. Concepts, such as modernisation and secularisation are explained to clarify the context of the hearer. The thesis that homiletics should ...
  • Van Eck, Ernest (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1995)
    This paper - in two parts - aims to participate in the current debate regarding the writing of a new church order for the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika, concentrating on Article III of the current church order. ...
  • Dreyer, Willem Akkerhuys (Wim); Botha, S.J. (Schalk Jacobus), 1936- (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1995)
    During the years 1855 to 1858 the South African Republic in the Transvaal created a new constitution. In this constitution a unique relationship between church, people and government was visible. This relationship was ...
  • Mulemfo, M.M. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1995)
    The Manianga of Zaïre believed, and still believe, in a Supreme Being called 'Nzambi Mpungu '. He is the origin of all health care, including medicinal plants. According to traditional understanding, God uses the ancestors ...
  • Wethmar, Conrad Johannes (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1995)
    In this article the notion of the freedom of theology in recent Roman Catholic thought is discussed with special reference to the Vatican Instruction "Donum Veritatis", which outlines the current views in this church on ...
  • Dickson, C.R. (Charles Richard) (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1995)
    The meaning of the Hebrew words for the English term 'poor' continues to be disputed. Two main schools of thought have developed. Some believe the terms refer to literal and material poverty, others that the terms refer ...
  • Pont, A.D. (Adriaan Drost), 1927- (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1995)
    Some remarks on John Calvin's statements on the capita doctrina necessaria : Calvin mentions that there are capita doctrina necessaria in the whole of the church's doctrine. The meaning of the summa religionis is explored ...
  • Prinsloo, Willem S. (Willem Sterrenberg), 1944- (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1995)
    In this article, which was presented as a paper at the congress of South African and Dutch Old Testament Scholars, the author first positions himself methodologically in terms of the South African situation. He then ...
  • Pelser, G.M.M. (Gerhardus Marthinus Maritz) (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1995)
    The article explores the documents of the New Testament in search of the concept 'church' and finds that, in a nutshell, the answers are as follows: the Spirit-controlled, charismatic togetherness of people 'in Christ' ...
  • Venter, P.M. (Pieter Michiel), 1947- (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1995)
    In this study the prayer in Nehemiah 9:5b-37 is compared with Psalm 106 and investigated within its literary and social context. The conclusion is reached that the community of faith portrayed in this prayer is a cultic ...
  • Nel, Malan (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1995)
    Building up the local church is not simplistic. It is a comprehensive ministry. The challenge is to return the ministry to the people of God and to equip them to be faithful as God's representatives in this world. Any ...
  • Dreyer, Willem Akkerhuys (Wim); Mjwabe, F.E. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1995)
    Traditional belief is still very strong among black South Africans. Many Christians not only believe in Christ, but also in the spirits of the forefathers. The question arises as to how the relationship between ...
  • Du Toit, Andrie B. (Andreas B.) (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1995)
    To be able to understand any normal linguistic utterance, information regarding the context within which it functions, is of decisive importance. For that reason every exegete of the New Testament has to develop a ...
  • Stegemann, Wolfgang, 1945-; Strecker, C. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1995)