The reliability of a system is generally treated as a function of cost; but in many real-life situations reliability will depend on a variety of factors. It is therefore interesting to probe the hidden impact of constraints apart from cost – such as weight, volume, and space. This paper attempts to study the impact of multiple constraints on system reliability. For the purposes of analysis, an integrated redundant reliability system is considered, modelled and solved by applying a Lagrangian multiplier that gives a real valued solution for the number of components, for its reliability at each stage, and for the system. The problem is further studied by using a heuristic algorithm and an integer programming method, and is validated by sensitivity analysis to present an integer solution.
Die betroubaarheid van ‘n sisteem word normaalweg as ‘n funksie van koste beskou, alhoewel dit in baie gevalle afhang van ‘n verskeidenheid faktore. Dit is dus interessant om die verskuilde impak van randvoorwaardes soos massa, volume en ruimte te ondersoek. Hierdie artikel poog om die impak van meervoudige randvoorwaardes op sisteem-betroubaarheid te bestudeer. Vir die ontleding, word ‘n geïntegreerde betroubaarheid-sisteem met oortolligheid beskou, gemodelleer en opgelos aan die hand van ‘n Lagrange-vermenigvuldiger. Die problem word verder bestudeer deur gebruik te maak van ‘n heuristiese algoritme en heeltalprogrammering asook gevalideer by wyse van ‘n sensitiwiteitsanalise sodat ‘n heeltaloplossing voorgehou kan word.