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Digestibility (16)
Fermentation (4)
Intake (4)
Amino acid (AA) (2)
Dry matter (DM) (2)
Gas production (2)
Gas production (GP) (2)
In vitro (2)
Methane (2)
Methane emission (2)
Non-protein nitrogen (NPN) (2)
Rumen fermentation (2)
Tannin (2)
1α-Hydroxycholecalciferol (1)
Acacia tannin extract (ATE) (1)
Aerobic stability (1)
Ammonia (1)
Ammoniation (1)
Body composition (1)
Body condition change (1)
Broilers (1)
Browse foliage (1)
Calcium (1)
Canola meal (CM) (1)
Carcass meat (1)
Cattle (1)
Cereals (1)
Condensed tannins (1)
Crude protein (CP) (1)
Damara rams (1)
Digestion (1)
Dry matter digestibility (DMD) (1)
dry matter intake (1)
Emulsion (1)
Eragrostis hay (1)
Eragrostis trichopophora (1)
Estimation (1)
Feed intake (1)
Feed treatment (1)
Fibrolyitc enzymes (1)
Forage (1)
General linear model (GLM) (1)
Grass species (1)
Grazing pasture (1)
Greenhouse gas (1)
Growth (1)
Haemonchus contortus (1)
Holstein cows (1)
In vitro gas and methane production and organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) (1)
In vitro fermentation (1)
In vitro methane (1)
In vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) (1)
Leucaena leucocephala hay (1)
Lipid microparticles (1)
Low CM treatment (LCM) (1)
Low quality roughage (1)
Meat quality (1)
Melt dispersion method (1)
Methane production (1)
Microbial nitrogen (N) synthesis (MNS) (1)
Microbial synthesis (1)
Microencapsulation (1)
N-alkane (1)
Nitrate (1)
Nitrogen (1)
Nitrogen (N) (1)
Non-protein nitrogen (1)
Nutrient digestion (1)
Nutritive value (1)
Oil seed cakes (1)
Optigen® II (1)
Perennial grass (1)
Phenylalanine (Phe) (1)
Phytase (1)
Plasma amino acids (1)
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) (1)
Protein sources (1)
Rams (1)
Release (1)
Rumen ammonia (1)