Browsing HTS Volume 53, Number 4 (1997) by Title

Browsing HTS Volume 53, Number 4 (1997) by Title

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  • Steenkamp, L.J.S. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1997)
    Confession of belief originates when someone (the believer or the church) is so touched existentially by the Person, Jesus Christ, that he or she cannot help declaring that Jesus is the living Lord. This confession, therefore, ...
  • Maartens, P.J. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1997)
    A critical dialogue of structure and reader interprets Paul's allegory of the 'wild olive branches' beyond functionalistic methods of interpretation. Structuralism analyses the antithetical contrasts of the 'wild' ...
  • Schutte, P.J.W. (Philippus Jacobus Wilhelmus) (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1997)
    Although divorces did occur in the ancient Semitic world, divorce never became a casual or even an accepted phenomenon in especially the Jewish community. Marriage was the normal state of affairs for Jews, and they ...
  • Beukes, C. Johann (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1997)
    Employing Derrida' s notion of différance, the author approaches the conviction of life after death (own resurrection ) as a conviction which has been typically marginalized and even disallowed by modernity. The politics ...
  • Du Toit, C.W. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1997)
    As we are approaching the end of the century, many ideas, systems, and certainties, previously taken for granted, seem to be questioned, altered and rejected. One of these is the notion of truth, which pervades the very ...
  • Koekemoer, J.H. (Johannes Hendrik), 1935- (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1997)
    The present century has seen an increasing opposition to creeds and doctrinal statements of faith. The question for the church and theology is how to read the creeds in such a way that it will not deprive us from our own ...
  • Osiek, Carolyn (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1997)
    Amid the varieties of feminist interpretive methods in biblical scholarship, this article suggests a general typology of approaches: rejection of the claims of biblical authority; acceptance of those claims with critique of ...
  • Stander, Hennie (Hendrik Frederik), 1953- (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1997)
    One cannot really speak of a systematic theology on the subject of atonement in the patristic writers. Frances Young once said that 'it is in fact impossible to categorize neatly the thought of the major patristic ...
  • Price, Robert M. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1997)
    This article aims at elaborating on the commonly held judgment that the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles have somehow been influenced by the Hellenistic novels. It is argued that the one evolved from the other. Three ...
  • Maartens, P.J. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1997)
    Relevance theory accounts for Paul's preference for 'the wild olive' tree in using horticultural practices of grafting to symbolise his mission to the Gentiles. The olive tree facilitates inclusive imagery. The principle ...
  • Van der Merwe, P.J. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1997)
    Although the intimate bond between Church and culture was realised quite early on, it only became a theological issue after missionaries like Xavier, Ricci and DeNobili experimented with accommodation and adaptation in ...
  • Bezuidenhout, L.C. (Louis Christiaan) (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1997)
    In the critical wisdom, traditional dogmata are scrutinised and proved to be unreliable. Yet, a new concept of 'theology' is proposed. The value of logic is appreciated, but its limits are accepted. Instead of ...
  • Van Aarde, A.G. (Andries G.) (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1997)
    Christians among the Greek-speaking Israelites referred to Jesus as, inter alia, 'Son of God'. The connotation of this honorific title differs from the usage of that by Israelites prior to Hellenistic influence, who ...
  • Van Biljon, Kobus (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1997)
    In a pilot study, 72 ministers and their wives were interviewed in focus groups to determine why ministers leave the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika. Utilising the qualitative data of this research project could ...
  • Breytenbach, A.P.B. (Andries Petrus Bernardus), 1944- (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1997)
    The raison d'etre of this study is the problem of normative theological dicta in parts of the Old Testament, which are contradicted in another or even the same book of the Old Testament. In this article canonisation as an ...
  • Van Wyk, I.W.C. (Ignatius William Charles) (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1997)
    This article asks the question whether the Afrikaans-speaking churches should confess guilt publicly for their support of the apartheid-state. A short summary is given to different opinions in South Africa. The main focus ...
  • Venter, P.M. (Pieter Michiel), 1947- (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1997)
    Following Sailhamer's practice of using the term 'montage' as a hermeneutical key for understanding the canon of the Old Testament, this term is investigated and it is shown that Von Rad used it as a technique in his works ...
  • Dreyer, Willem Akkerhuys (Wim) (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1997)
    This article examins the background, history and development of Reformed confessions in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, but especially the Swiss and French confessions which influenced the Belgic Confession of ...
  • Labuschagne, Kobus (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1997)
    The views of Karl Barth and the 'Heilsgeschichte'-tradition on the one hand, and those of Rudolf Bultmann and the 'Formkritik'-tradition on the other hand, do not differ so much on the method of objective historical research. ...
  • Beukes, M.J. du P. (Mattheus Johannes du Plessis) (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1997)
    Since the publication of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika's most recent catechism text books (1982-1989), there has been concern that the articles of faith of the church, and particularly the Heidelberg Catechism, ...