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Intrusions (Geology) -- South Africa (1)
Investigations (1)
Investment (1)
IOCG systems (1)
Iran (1)
Iran seismicity (1)
Iridium (1)
Iridium -- India -- Sukinda (Block) (1)
Iridium group of platinum elements (1)
Iron oxide copper gold (IOCG) (1)
Isocon method (1)
Isolated volcanic rocks and sandstone (IVRS) (1)
Isopach map (1)
Isotope dilution analysis (1)
Isotopes (1)
Iterative estimation (1)
Ituwa Surge (1)
Johannesburg, South Africa (1)
Joint mapping (1)
Journal of African Earth Sciences (JAES) (1)
Junggar basin (1)
Jurassic termite (Insecta: Isoptera) (1)
Karoo (1)
Karoo Basin (1)
Karoo dolerite (1)
Karoo seqeunce (1)
Karoo supergroup (1)
Kgošhi Boleu (1)
Kinematic analysis (1)
Knowledge-based system (KBS) (1)
Koldaha shale (1)
Koolbye Formation (1)
Korotangi (1)
Kunene (1)
Lagoonal glauconities (1)
Lakes (1)
Land surfaces (1)
Landslide hazard zonation (1)
Large earthquakes (1)
Large Igneous Province (1)
Laser scanner (1)
Laser spectroscopy (1)
Late Oxfordian (1)
Late stage eruption (1)
Lateral variability (1)
Laterite (1)
Lateritic soil (1)
Lateritic soils (1)
Latex (1)
Laurite (1)
Lead isotopes (1)
Leeuwpoort tin mine (1)
Legally obtained gold (1)
Legitimacy theory (1)
Letsoku (1)
Life style (1)
Lithofacies (1)
Lithofacies -- Mexico (1)
Lithofacies analysis (1)
Lithogeochemical exploration (1)
Lithological/ mineralogical classification (1)
Lithostratigraphy (1)
Lockhart limestone (1)
Low sedimentation rate (1)
Lower Triassic (1)
Lu-Hf isotope system (1)
Lufilian arc (1)
Lugeon (1)
Mafic dyke swarm (1)
Mafic rocks (1)
Magma chamber processes (1)
Magmas -- South Africa (1)
Magmatic sulphides (1)
Magmatism -- Mexico (1)
Magnetic moments (1)
Magnetite (1)
Magnitude (1)
Mahutonga (1)
Major element oxide (1)
Makgaba site (1)
Makgabeng Formation (1)
Makran subduction zone (MSZ) (1)
Malmani dolomites (1)
Management (1)
Mantle metasomatism (1)
Mantle plumes (1)
Mantle plumes -- South Africa -- Kaapvaal Craton (1)
Maori (1)
Marine Mg (1)
Marine mineral resources (1)
Marion Island (1)
Marmara Sea (1)
Mars (1)
Mass (1)
Mass extinctions -- Northern Caucasus (1)
Mat influence on sedimentation (1)
Mat-related features (1)
Maximum earthquake magnitude (1)
Maximum likelihood estimation (1)
Maximum magnitude (1)