Paper presented at the 30th Annual Southern African Transport Conference 11-14 July 2011 "Africa on the Move", CSIR International Convention Centre, Pretoria, South Africa.
There has been a rapid worldwide growth in the use of pipelines to transport energy
products. Due to the strategic nature of energy products that are transported by pipelines, the importance of risk assessment and management cannot be overemphasized. With the risk of pipeline disruptions increasing globally, energy pipeline organizations are forced to incorporate measures that should help to identify and address areas that can lead to energy pipeline disruptions. Given the strategic importance of energy pipelines, the main purpose of this paper is to ascertain whether the South African energy pipeline sector appreciates the risks associated with energy pipelines. In pursuance to this objective, the paper seeks to establish the risks associated with the physical environment of the country's energy pipelines, the possible impacts of these risks on the business environment surrounding the energy pipeline supply chains and the mitigation processes if any that are used to minimise risks thereof.