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Results Per Page:

UCTD (185)
SDG-02: Zero hunger (53)
Sorghum (48)
SDG-03: Good health and well-being (22)
Kafirin (18)
South Africa (SA) (18)
Maize (14)
Antioxidant activity (12)
Fermentation (12)
Cowpea (11)
Iron (11)
Nutrition (9)
Sensory (9)
Consumers (8)
Escherichia coli (8)
Zein (8)
Zinc (8)
Bioaccessibility (7)
Food Science (7)
Listeria monocytogenes (7)
Protein digestibility (7)
Bacillus cereus (6)
Bread (6)
Functional properties (6)
Malting (6)
Marama bean (6)
Phenolic compounds (6)
Tannins (6)
Africa (5)
Biofortification (5)
Cassava (5)
Digestibility (5)
Emerging economy (5)
Flour (5)
Food safety (5)
Gluten-free (5)
Low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) (5)
Milk (5)
Minerals (5)
Pasting properties (5)
Pearl millet (5)
Phenolics (5)
Resistant starch (5)
Sensory quality (5)
Starch (5)
Stearic acid (5)
Wholegrain (5)
Antibiotic resistance (4)
Antioxidants (4)
Bacillus sporothermodurans (4)
Bioavailability (4)
Bran (4)
Dough rheology (4)
Extraction (4)
Food waste (4)
Gluten (4)
Goat milk (4)
Kafirin microparticles (4)
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) (4)
Maize starch (4)
Malt (4)
Phenolic acids (4)
Phytate (4)
Protein (4)
Quality (4)
South africa (4)
Sulfur compounds (4)
Sustainability (4)
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (4)
UHT milk (4)
Viscosity (4)
Wheat (4)
Agriculture (3)
Amylopectin (3)
Antioxidant (3)
Apparel (3)
Bacteria (3)
Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranean) (3)
Baobab (Adansonia digitata) (3)
Binding (3)
Bioethanol (3)
Biofilms (3)
Biscuits (3)
Bitterness (3)
Cereals (3)
Chicken meat (3)
Consumer behaviour (3)
Corn as food (3)
Cowpeas (3)
Cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata) (3)
Cross-linking (3)
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) (3)
Extrusion (3)
Flavonoids (3)
Food science (3)
Food security (3)
Food-to-food fortification (3)
Food-to-food fortification (FtFF) (3)
Foodborne pathogens (3)
Fortification (3)