Browsing History of music in South Africa by Issue Date

Browsing History of music in South Africa by Issue Date

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  • Venter, Gerbrand D.; De Villiers, Cornelius Gerhardus Stephanus, 1894-1978; Coetzee, J.V.; Dekker, Gerrit, 1897-; (Die Huisgenoot, 1935-1937)
    1. Die oudste psalmboek in Suid-Afrika? / deur D. Gerbrand Venter -- 2. Die oorsprong van ons gesange en psalms / deur C.G.S. de Villiers -- 3. Die Afrikaanse psalmboek : moeisame taak na sewentien jaar voltooi / deur J.V. ...
  • De Villiers, Cornelius Gerhardus Stephanus, 1894-1978; (Die Huisgenoot, 1936)
    I. Die Christelike kerkmusiek voor die Hervorming -- II. Die opkoms van die koraal -- III. Enige sestiende en sewentiende eeuse gesange -- IV. Slotartikel oor die gesange.
  • De Villiers, Maxie (1936-03-20)
    It is argued that rhythmic movements accompanied by rhythmic sounds are essential for a child's development.
  • Unknown; (Die Huisgenoot, 1937)
    1. Ons Afrikaanse psalmboek : hoe hy gemaak is en deur wie -- 2. Die Afrikaanse psalmboek -- 3. Die Afrikaanse gesange -- 4. Die Afrikaanse psalmberyming -- 5. Afrikaanse gesange -- 6. Die Afrikaanse gesangboek -- 7. Die ...
  • Van Oostrum, Omius, 1862-1948; (Die Huisgenoot, 1937-08-27)
    The author expresses dissatisfaction with some of the melodies of the psalms in the new Psalm Book, saying they are unsuited to the lyrics. The danger exists that they will fall into disuse and become forgotten.
  • Lindeque, B.G. (1937-09-24)
    Describes the foundation, growth and functions of the Afrikaanse Kunsvereniging as well as its role in the cultural life of Afrikaners in Johannebsurg.
  • Rompel, Hans, 1902- (1937-10-08)
    Criticizes the poor quality of music heard in the cinemas before performances and during intervals, be it live music or recordings.
  • Bouws, Jan; (Die Huisgenoot, 1937-10-22)
    The German born composer Julius Rontgen who settled in Amsterdam, set Jan FE Celliers' poem Komaan to music. It was not the only incidence of European composers writing music for Afrikaans poetry.
  • Marais, J.F. (1937-12-03)
    Afrikaans has become the youngest language to be selected for overseas shortwave broadcasting. The article discusses the broadcasting policy with regard to English and Afrikaans.
  • Dekker, Gerrit, 1897-; Meyer, H. Schalk; Viljoen, P.J.; (1938)
    1. and 2. Die ou goud van die Afrikaanse psalmboek / G. Dekker -- 3. Tot afskeid van ons Hollandse psalmboek / H. Schalk Meyer -- 4. Ons kerksang : ontstaan van ons Evangeliese gesange / P.J. Viljoen -- 5. Ons kerksang ...
  • Theunissen, N.H.; (Brandwag, 1938)
    13 articles discussing Afrikaans folk songs and their lyrics
  • Mocke, S. Ignatius, 1912-; (Brandwag, 1938-12-09)
    Article discusses the foundation and growth of the Asaf choir in Johannesburg.
  • Joubert, Johannes, 1894-1958; (Brandwag, 1939)
    10 articles aimed at young readers chronicling the development of music through the ages
  • Van Oostrum, Omius, 1862-1948 (1939-02-03)
    The lack of musical education in the schools is blamed for the fact that South Africans are not a singing nation.
  • Endler, Hans; (Die Huisgenoot, 1939-02-03)
    Prof Hans Endler was the founder and first principal of the Conservatoire for Music at the Stellenbosch University. He describes life in Stellenbosch as it was at the time of his arrival 35 years before.
  • Uys, Gideon; (Die Brandwag, 1939-02-03)
    It is argued that traditional or folk songs can serve as inspiration for South African composers to create a body of oeuvres that is uniquely South African.
  • Bosman, Maxie; (Die Huisgenoot, 1939-06-23)
    An essay on the well known South African pianist, composer and poet who returned permanently to Europe after a concert tour through South Africa in the years following the South African War.
  • Van den Bos, C.; (Die Brandwag, 1939-10-06)
    A review of the work "Musiek deur Johannes Joubert : O, boereplaas, Moederswiegeliedjie, Xosa-slaapliedjie, Poppedans, Feedans, Albumblad." Joubert's compositions are described as unpretentious and popular in the best sense ...
  • Liedboeke 
    Coetzee, Abel, 1906-; (Brandwag, 1939-11-03)
    Description of the tradition among young people to compile personalized song books, a tradition that had become extinct by the time this article was written. Includes examples of such songs.
  • Oberholster, Jan Andries Stefanus (1940)