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Engineering, built environment and information technology articles SDG-09 (14)
SDG-09: Industry, innovation and infrastructure (14)
Engineering, built environment and information technology articles SDG-06 (3)
Engineering, built environment and information technology articles SDG-11 (3)
Maintenance (3)
SDG-06: Clean water and sanitation (3)
SDG-11: Sustainable cities and communities (3)
Engineering, built environment and information technology articles SDG-07 (2)
Railway engineering (2)
SDG-07: Affordable and clean energy (2)
Soil stiffness (2)
South Africa (SA) (2)
Acceleration (A) (1)
Accurate measuring (1)
Admixture (D) (1)
Alkali-activated cement (D) (1)
Alkali-activated slag (1)
Analysis methods (1)
Asymmetrical (1)
Bedding errors (1)
Bi-articulated bus (1)
Bloemwater’s conduit hydropower facility (1)
Brandkop Reservoir (1)
Cavitation (1)
Cements (1)
Coal (1)
Coal crushing (1)
Compressive strength (C) (1)
Compressive strengths (1)
Concrete manufacture (1)
Concrete pavement (1)
Concrete technology (1)
Conservation (1)
Continuous bulk handling equipment (1)
Costs (1)
Crack formation (1)
Degree of saturation (1)
Dry powder (1)
Dynamic loading (1)
Engineering, built environment and information technology articles SDG-13 (1)
Evaluation (1)
Export (1)
Flow in rivers (1)
Formation layers (1)
Fuel consumption (1)
Gauging weirs (1)
Haul roads (1)
Heavy haul train operations (1)
High-strength concrete (1)
Hydration products (B) (1)
Hydropower potential (1)
ISO 5049-1 (1994) (1)
Low head hydropower (1)
Machine protection system (1)
Materials technology (1)
Mixture proportioning (1)
Model (1)
Nappe (1)
Ogee profile (1)
Pavement structures (1)
Performance (1)
Physical model (1)
Plate load test (1)
Railway track (1)
Researchers (1)
Resilient behaviour (1)
Response behaviour (1)
Response surface methodology (1)
Review (1)
Riding quality (1)
Rivers (1)
Road condition (1)
Road conditions (1)
Scarce water resources (1)
SDG-13: Climate action (1)
Settlement prediction method (1)
Shallow foundations (1)
Sharp-crested weir (1)
Small-strain stiffness (1)
Strength and testing of materials (1)
Structural design (1)
Structural failure (1)
Surface preparation methods (1)
Surface roughness (1)
Surface water resources (1)
Telescopic probes (1)
Ultra-thin continuously reinforced concrete pavement (UTCRCP) (1)
Unbound granular material (1)
Vehicle and tire wear (1)
Vehicle operating cost (VOC) (1)
Vehicle operating costs (VOCs) (1)
Vertical accelerations (1)
Water engineering (1)
Water resources (1)