Filter by: Subject

Filter by: Subject

Results Per Page:

SDG-09: Industry, innovation and infrastructure (75)
Engineering, built environment and information technology articles SDG-09 (49)
South Africa (SA) (16)
SDG-11: Sustainable cities and communities (15)
Centrifuge modelling (12)
Engineering, built environment and information technology articles SDG-11 (12)
SDG-07: Affordable and clean energy (11)
Fly ash (8)
Compressive strength (6)
Cyclic loading (6)
Maintenance (6)
Reinforced concrete (6)
Renewable energy (6)
SDG-13: Climate action (6)
Soil-structure interaction (6)
Bus rapid transit (BRT) (5)
Energy recovery (5)
Engineering, built environment and information technology articles SDG-07 (5)
Engineering, built environment and information technology articles SDG-13 (5)
Finite element method (5)
Hydropower (5)
Paratransit (5)
Public transport (5)
Reinforced concrete (RC) (5)
SDG-06: Clean water and sanitation (5)
Ultra-thin continuously reinforced concrete pavement (UTCRCP) (5)
Accessibility (4)
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) (4)
Global positioning system (GPS) (4)
Hot-mix asphalt (HMA) (4)
Performance (4)
Physical modelling (4)
Railway track (4)
Retrofitting (4)
Rutting (4)
Stiffness (4)
Timber (4)
Axial flow turbines (3)
Ballast (3)
Blender (3)
Bracing (3)
Concrete (3)
Conduit hydropower (3)
Continuous surface wave (CSW) (3)
Design (3)
Embodied carbon (3)
Engineering, built environment and information technology articles SDG-06 (3)
Expansive soils (3)
Fibre-reinforced concrete (3)
Finite element analysis (3)
Finite element modelling (3)
Hybrid modeling (HYMOD) (3)
Hydropower potential (3)
Laboratory tests (3)
Leakage reduction (3)
Matric suction (3)
Model (3)
Particle image velocimetry (3)
Pavement (3)
Pavement design (3)
Pavement engineering (3)
Pavement sustainability (3)
Permeability (3)
Plastic shrinkage (3)
Railway engineering (3)
Soil stiffness (3)
South Africa (3)
Steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) (3)
Strain (3)
Strength development (3)
Structural design (3)
Structural health monitoring (3)
Tensiometer (3)
Tomatoes (3)
Traffic (3)
TruNatomy (3)
Unsaturated soil (3)
WaveOne Gold (3)
Accelerated pavement testing (2)
Accelerated pavement testing (APT) (2)
Acceleration (2)
Affordability (2)
Alkali-activated (2)
Arduino (2)
Artificial intelligence (AI) (2)
Asphalt binder (2)
Asphalt mix design (2)
Asset management (2)
Axle load (2)
Ballast breakdown (2)
Ballast settlement (2)
Beams (2)
Brick (2)
Brine (2)
Buckling (2)
Capillary pressure (2)
Car ownership (2)
Centrifuge (2)
CFRP jacketing (2)
Civiltronics (2)