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Forecasting (95)
United States (US) (70)
SDG-08: Decent work and economic growth (69)
Uncertainty (39)
Volatility (37)
Economic growth (32)
South Africa (SA) (32)
Monetary policy (31)
Inflation (29)
Economic policy uncertainty (EPU) (28)
Realized volatility (25)
House prices (24)
Bitcoin (21)
Gross domestic product (GDP) (21)
Long memory (20)
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) (19)
Predictability (19)
Stock returns (19)
United Kingdom (UK) (19)
Geopolitical risks (GPRs) (18)
Gold (15)
Stock market (15)
Oil price (14)
Panel data (14)
Persistence (14)
Causality (13)
Climate risks (13)
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (13)
Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) (13)
Inequality (13)
Oil shocks (13)
COVID-19 pandemic (12)
Dynamic connectedness (12)
Fractional integration (12)
Nonparametric quantile causality (12)
Stock markets (12)
Forecast accuracy (11)
Quantile regression (11)
Real estate investment trust (REIT) (11)
Returns (11)
Time-varying parameter vector autoregressive (TVP-VAR) (11)
Vector autoregressive (VAR) model (11)
SDG-13: Climate action (10)
Structural breaks (10)
Vector autoregression (VAR) (10)
Economic policy uncertainty (9)
Economic uncertainty (9)
Emerging markets (9)
Granger causality (9)
Impulse response functions (9)
Inflation targeting (9)
Mixed data sampling (MIDAS) (9)
Oil prices (9)
Out-of-sample forecasts (9)
Time-varying parameter (TVP) (9)
Unit root tests (9)
Asymmetry (8)
Bayesian vector autoregressive (BVAR) model (8)
Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model (8)
Exchange rate (8)