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UCTD (78)
South Africa (SA) (48)
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (25)
COVID-19 pandemic (25)
Forecasting (24)
United States (US) (17)
Uncertainty (15)
Realized volatility (12)
Monetary policy (11)
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) (10)
Entrepreneurship (9)
Bitcoin (8)
Economic growth (8)
Inequality (8)
Oil shocks (8)
United Kingdom (UK) (8)
Geopolitical risks (GPRs) (7)
Panel data (7)
Predictability (7)
South Africa (7)
Economic and management sciences articles SDG-08 (6)
Economic policy uncertainty (EPU) (6)
Gross domestic product (GDP) (6)
Innovation (6)
Real estate investment trust (REIT) (6)
SDG-08: Decent work and economic growth (6)
Sustainable development goals (SDGs) (6)
Tanzania (6)
Tax (6)
Taxation (6)
Value added tax (VAT) (6)
Africa (5)
Education (5)
Interest rates (5)
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) (5)
Volatility (5)
Accountability (4)
Advanced economies (4)
Asymmetry (4)
Attitudes (4)
Corporate governance (4)
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) (4)
Economic and management sciences articles SDG-04 (4)
Economic uncertainty (4)
Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) (4)
Facebook (4)
Gold (4)
Governance (4)
Heterogeneous autoregressive realized volatility (HAR-RV) (4)
Impulse response functions (4)
Inflation (4)
Local projection model (4)
Out-of-sample forecasts (4)
Poverty (4)
Research and development (R&D) (4)
SDG-04: Quality education (4)
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (4)
Tourism (4)
Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) (3)
Bond premia (3)
Business cycles (3)
Business performance (3)
Challenges (3)
Chief executive officer (CEO) (3)
Classification and regression trees (CRT) (3)
Climate change (3)
Commodity markets (3)
Connectedness (3)
Consumers (3)
Corruption (3)
Cryptocurrencies (3)
Data envelopment analysis (3)
Decision making (3)
Developing countries (3)
Dynamic connectedness (3)
Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) (3)
Economic satisfaction (3)
Emerging economies (3)
Emerging markets (3)
Energy poverty (3)
Entrepreneurial action (3)
Entrepreneurial competencies (3)
Environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) (3)
Ethics (3)
Eurozone (3)
Food security (3)
Foreign direct investment (FDI) (3)
General Anti-avoidance Rules (3)
Good governance (3)
Income inequality (3)
India (3)
Infectious diseases (3)
Inflation targeting (3)
Integrated reporting (3)
Investor sentiment (3)
Leadership (3)
Local government (3)
New Zealand (3)
Non-economic satisfaction (3)
Oil dependency (3)