Confidence versus performance as an indicator of the presence of alternative conceptions and inadequate problem-solving skills in mechanics

Show simple item record Potgieter, Marietjie Malatje, Esther Gaigher, Estelle Venter, Elsie 2011-05-30T06:43:54Z 2011-05-30T06:43:54Z 2010-07
dc.description.abstract This study investigated the use of performance-confidence relationships to signal the presence of alternative conceptions and inadequate problem-solving skills in mechanics. A group of 33 students entering physics at a South African university participated in the project. The test instrument consisted of 20 items derived from existing standardized tests from literature, each of which was followed by a self-reported measure of confidence of students in the correctness of their answers. Data collected for this study included students’ responses to multiple-choice questions and open-ended explanations for their chosen answers. Fixed response physics and confidence data were logarithmically transformed according to the Rasch model to linear measures of performance and confidence. The free response explanations were carefully analysed for accuracy of conceptual understanding. Comparison of these results with raw score data and transformed measures of performance and confidence allowed a re-evaluation of the model developed by Hasan, Bagayoko and Kelley in 1999 for the detection of alternative conceptions in mechanics. Application of this model to raw score data leads to inaccurate conclusions. However, application of the Hasan hypothesis to transformed measures of performance and confidence resulted in the accurate identification of items plagued by alternative conceptions. This approach also holds promise for the differentiation between over-confidence due to alternative conceptions or due to inadequate problem-solving skills. It could become a valuable tool for instructional design in mechanics. en
dc.identifier.citation Potgieter, M, Malatje, E, Gaigher, E & Venter, E 2010, 'Confidence versus performance as an indicator of the presence of alternative conceptions and inadequate problem-solving skills in mechanics', International Journal of Science Education, vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 1407-1429. [] en
dc.identifier.issn 0950-0693
dc.identifier.issn 1464-5289 (online)
dc.identifier.other 10.1080/09500690903100265
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Routledge en_US
dc.rights © Taylor & Francis. This is an electronic version of an article published in International Journal of Science Education vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 1407-1429, 2010. International Journal of Science Education is available online at This article is embargoed by the publisher until July 2012. en_US
dc.subject Alternative conceptions en
dc.subject.lcsh Confidence en
dc.subject.lcsh Performance en
dc.subject.lcsh Rasch models en
dc.subject.lcsh Problem solving en
dc.subject.lcsh Life skills en
dc.subject.lcsh Mechanics -- Study and teaching en
dc.title Confidence versus performance as an indicator of the presence of alternative conceptions and inadequate problem-solving skills in mechanics en
dc.type Postprint Article en

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