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Humanistic sciences (1)
Information-flow-and-processing model (1)
Kahneman (1)
Law (1)
Least Effort Principle (1)
Least Effort Principle (LEP) (1)
Least mental stress principle (1)
Levels of complexity (1)
Library analogy (1)
Local tissue damage (1)
Local wake state (1)
Mind levels (1)
Modular mental structure (1)
Modular structure (1)
Movie-in-the-brain (1)
Multiple local wake-state messaging (1)
Mystification (1)
Neuronal network modules (1)
Neurosciences (1)
Nocisensor (1)
Non-autonomic system (1)
Nonconscious free will (1)
Nonconscious memory (1)
Nonconscious mental processing (1)
Nonconscious self-awareness (1)
Nonconsciousness (1)
Opinion-beats-facts phenomenon (1)
Orthodox paradigm (1)
Pain generation (1)
Parallel-Systems Mind Model (1)
Parallel-systems mind model (1)
Parietal lobe (1)
Person-to-person communication (1)
Philosopher's tools (1)
Philosophy (1)
Physical and mental modules (1)
Physicist means by 'understanding' (1)
Physicist's model of mind (1)
Physiology (1)
Post-humanistic complexity (1)
Priming (1)
Private-paradigm modules (1)
Proto thinking (1)
Psychology (1)
Quantum mind (1)
Reticular formation (1)
Routing of learning-related signals (1)
Scientific realism (1)
Self-consciousness (1)
Self-righteousness of mind (1)
Sensory neuron (1)
Signal routing by tagging (1)
Somatosensory cortex (1)
Thought sharing (1)
Time (1)
Tissue damage (1)
Tissue fluid (1)
Tissue-damage sensor (1)
Traditional thinking (1)
Unorthodox paradigm (1)
Video-in-the-brain (1)
Vital force (1)
Vital function (1)
von Neumann (1)
Wake state (1)
Wake-state sensor (1)
Wigner postulate (1)
Witchcraft (1)