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Consciousness (4)
Self (3)
Ansatz approach (2)
Brain language (2)
Cognitive physical science (2)
Collateral Learning Principle (2)
Complex dynamic system (2)
Core hypothesis (2)
Direct-Access-Storage hypothesis (2)
Emergent property (2)
Free will (2)
Hierarchic architecture of nature (2)
Information module (2)
Knowledge module (2)
Knowledge Priming (2)
Least effort principle (2)
Least Mental Stress Principle (2)
Levels of logic (2)
Methodology (2)
Modular Mental Structure Model (2)
Private paradigm (2)
Quantum consciousness (2)
Threshold Hypothesis of Consciousness (2)
Anaesthesia (1)
Animal consciousness (1)
Ansatz (concept of) (1)
Authorities (1)
Autonomic system (1)
Bioelectric language (1)
Bioelectric signals (1)
Brain (1)
Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness (1)
Categorising (1)
Causality (1)
Cellular metabolism (1)
Cochlear implant (1)
Cognition (1)
Cognitive sciences (1)
Collateral learning (1)
Collateral priming (1)
Complex-system behaviour of mind (1)
Conceptual system (1)
Conscious dream (1)
Conscious free will (1)
Conscious self-determination (1)
Default-mode activity (1)
Default-mode video-in-the-brain (1)
Emergence of science (1)
Emergent properties (1)
Entanglement (1)
Fabulating (1)
Folk philosophies (1)
Forebrain programming (1)
Fundamental state of life (1)
General consciousness (1)
Generation of mind (1)
Genius (1)
Groupthink (1)
Groupthink phenomenon (1)
Hemineglect syndrome (1)
Humanistic sciences (1)
Information-flow-and-processing model (1)
Kahneman (1)
Law (1)
Least Effort Principle (1)
Least Effort Principle (LEP) (1)
Least mental stress principle (1)
Levels of complexity (1)
Library analogy (1)
Local tissue damage (1)
Local wake state (1)
Mind levels (1)
Modular mental structure (1)
Modular structure (1)
Movie-in-the-brain (1)
Multiple local wake-state messaging (1)
Mystification (1)
Neuronal network modules (1)
Neurosciences (1)
Nocisensor (1)