National spatial development planning in South Africa 1930-2010 : an introductory comparative analysis

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Show simple item record Oranje, Mark Merrifield, Andrew 2011-04-15T06:52:39Z 2011-04-15T06:52:39Z 2010-05
dc.description.abstract This article reviews the various attempts at national spatial development planning that have been introduced in South Africa over the past eighty years. It demonstrates that, despite the ostensible support for national planning during this period, such plans and proposals rarely had a direct impact on the conduct of government business. Using both the authors' personal experiences with the most recent such 'plan' - the National Spatial Development Perspective - they seek to explain why such planning initiatives are so difficult to introduce and implement. Key in this regard, they argue, is that while most national planning initiatives are formulated in a control paradigm common to more local planning contexts, the plans have to function within a complex and tightly interwoven national, provincial and local system that is essentially incompatible with such a paradigm. The historical overview, they argue, suggests that such a national spatial planning intervention would require a far harder-edged form of governance leaning more in the direction of intervention and control and less so in the direction of the current softer forms of dialogue, facilitation and guidance premised by the 1996 Constitution. en_US
dc.description.abstract Hierdie artikel verskaf 'n oorsig van die verskillende pogings tot nasionale ruimtelike ontwikkelingsbeplaning soos voorgestel in Suid-Afrika oor die afgelope tagtig jaar. Die artikel dui aan dat sulke planne en voorstelle, ten spyte van die oënskynlike ondersteuning vir nasionale beplanning gedurende die tydperk onder bespreking, baie selde 'n invloed gehad het op die optrede van die regering van die dag. Deur gebruik te maak van beide die outeurs se persoonlike ervarings met die mees resente sodanige 'plan' - die Nasionale Ruimtelike Ontwikkelingsperspektief - poog hulle om te verduidelik waarom sulke beplanningsinisiatiewe so moeilik is om voor te stel en te implementeer. Sentraal in hierdie verband, beweer hulle, staan die feit dat die meeste nasionale beplanningsinisiatiewe in 'n beheerparadigma, wat meer algemeen in plaaslike beplanningskontekste is, geformuleer word, terwyl sodanige planne moet funksioneer in 'n komplekse en nou-inmekaarverweefde nasionale, provinsiale en plaaslike stelsel wat essensieel onversoenbaar is met so 'n paradigma. Die historiese oorsig, beweer hulle, suggereer dat sodanige nasionale ruimtelike beplanningsintervensie 'n baie harder vorm van 'regeer' vereis - een wat meer neig na intervensie en beheer, en minder na die meer 'sagte' vorme van dialoog, fasilitering en rigtinggewing, soos veronderstel in die 1996 Grondwet. af
dc.identifier.citation Oranje, M & Merrifield, A 2010, 'National spatial development planning in South Africa 1930-2010 : an introductory comparative analysis', Town and Regional Planning, no. 56, pp. 29-45. ["] en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1012-280X
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Sasol Library, University of the Free State en_US
dc.rights Sasol Library, University of the Free State. en_US
dc.subject Spatial development planning en_US
dc.subject.lcsh Regional planning -- South Africa en
dc.title National spatial development planning in South Africa 1930-2010 : an introductory comparative analysis en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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