From Noyon to Geneva

Show simple item record Dreyer, Willem Akkerhuys (Wim) 2011-03-22T07:22:07Z 2011-03-22T07:22:07Z 2010
dc.description.abstract This article contains a brief biography of John Calvin. It serves as an introduction to the publication of the Conventus Reformatus on the occasion of celebrating Calvin's birth 500 years ago. The article follows Calvin's life, from his birth in Noyon until his death in Geneva. The focus is on persons and events which had a substantial influence on Calvin. Calvin's theology is discussed in other contributions in this publication. en
dc.description.abstract Hierdie artikel bevat 'n kort biografie van Johannes Calvyn. Dit dien as inleiding tot die gedenkuitgawe van die Konvent van Reformatoriese Kerke by geleentheid van die 500-jarige herdenking van Calvyn se geboorte. Die artikel volg Calvyn se lewensloop vanaf sy geboorte in Noyon tot sy dood in Genève. Daar word veral gefokus op die persone en gebeurtenisse wat Calvyn beïnvloed het. Die teologie van Calvyn word in ander artikels in hierdie nommer behandel. af
dc.identifier.citation Dreyer, WA 2010, 'From Noyon to Geneva', In die Skriflig, vol. 44, suppl. 3, pp. 1-22. [] en
dc.identifier.issn 1018-6441
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Bureau for Scholarly Journals en_US
dc.rights Bureau for Scholarly Journals en_US
dc.subject Calvin, biography en
dc.subject Calvin, cities where studied and worked en
dc.subject Calvin, people who influenced en
dc.subject John Calvin (1509–1564) af
dc.subject Calvyn, mense wat beinvloed het af
dc.subject Calvyn, stede waar gestudeer en gewerk het af
dc.subject.lcsh Reformation -- Biography en
dc.subject.lcsh Calvinism en
dc.title From Noyon to Geneva en
dc.type Article en

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