Genetic characterization of the indigenous Landim and Pafuri goat breeds from Mozambique

Show simple item record Garrine, Carmen Maria Lucas Pedro Kotze, Antoinette Els, Heleen C. Grobler, J. Paul 2011-03-14T07:22:58Z 2011-03-14T07:22:58Z 2010-11
dc.description.abstract This paper describes genetic diversity between and within the indigenous Landim and Pafuri goat breeds from Mozambique, with reference to the unimproved South African Boer goat, the paternal ancestor of the Pafuri breed. Microsatellite polymorphism was used to quantify genetic diversity and drift. Heterozygosity (Hz) in three populations of the Landim breed were closely comparable (Hz = 0.588 - 0.623), with a higher Hz value of 0.672 in Pafuri, the latter most likely reflecting the influence of the Boer goat. Allelic richness values supported this trend. Drift among individual Landim populations was low (Fst = 0.046-0.059) compared to Fst = 0.077-0.091 between the Pafuri breed and individual Landim populations, again reflecting introgression of Boer goat genetic material. The Landim populations also clustered together in a consensus neighbour-joining tree, with the Pafuri breed slightly distant and the Boer goat most distant from the Landim breed. A Bayesian assignment test placed the majority of Pafuri and Boer goat animals in a common cluster, with the Landim individuals spread over three additional clusters. The results are discussed with reference to the importance of conserving local breeds and the influence of marker sample size on statistical analysis. en
dc.identifier.citation Garrine, CMLP, Kotze, A, Els, H & Grobler, JP 2010, 'Genetic characterization of the indigenous Landim and Pafuri goat breeds from Mozambique', African Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 5, no. 22, pp. 3130-3137. [] en
dc.identifier.issn 1991-637X
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Academic Journals en
dc.relation.requires Adobe Acrobat Reader en
dc.rights © 2010 Academic Journals en
dc.subject Landim en
dc.subject Pafuri en
dc.subject Genetic structure en
dc.subject Mozambique en
dc.subject Goats en
dc.subject.lcsh Goat breeds en
dc.subject.lcsh Genetics en
dc.title Genetic characterization of the indigenous Landim and Pafuri goat breeds from Mozambique en
dc.type Article en

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