Heterotrophic syntheses : mediation in the domestic architecture of Gabriël Fagan

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dc.contributor.author Barker, Arthur Adrian Johnson
dc.date.accessioned 2011-01-28T06:14:03Z
dc.date.available 2011-01-28T06:14:03Z
dc.date.issued 2010
dc.description.abstract Gabriël (Gawie) Fagan (1925) is a leading South African architect. His architecture is regionally rooted and can be described as a "new" architectural language that mediates between a love of the Cape vernacular, functional requirements and responses to an education in Modernism. It is not architecture at rest. It does not rely on a homotopic formality, rigid reinterpretation or direct reliance on traditional or Modernist typologies. It is suffused with tensions and contradictions and a heterotrophic hybridity which makes the architecture a unique synthesis, a quality rarely encountered in South African architecture. Fagan's design process is rooted in the polarities of his upbringing and education. He was raised in a respected family where frugality and the appreciation of quality were equally important. As a child his pursuits varied from pragmatic curiosity to creative sensitivity. These contradictions continued during his tertiary education, completing four years of an engineering degree before studying architecture. The orthodox international Modernism of the Witwatersrand Architectural School was shifting to a regional expression at the newly formed Pretoria School and the influence of lecturers like the pragmatic Basil South (1915-1952) and Cole-Bowen (1904-1976) and contextually sensitive architects like Helmut Stauch (1910-1970) and Norman Eaton (1902-1966) paved the way for Fagan's own architectural language. In this paper Fagan's formal architectural mediations through the medium of his domestic oeuvre are investigated. en_US
dc.description.abstract Gabriël (Gawie) Fagan (1925) is ’n vernaamde Suid Afrikaanse argitek. Sy argitektuur is gebiedsgebonde and kan beskryf word as ‘n ‘nuwe’ argitektoniese taal wat tussen ’n liefde van Kaapse inheemse argitektuur, funksionele vereistes en ‘n opvoeding in Modernisme bemiddel. Dit is nie ‘n argitektuur wat rus nie. Dit maak nie staat op ‘n homotopiese formaliteit, onbuigsame herinterpretasie of ‘n direkte vertroue op tradisionele of Modernistiese tipologieë. Dit is oordek met spanning en teenstrydighede en ‘n heterotropiese hibriditeit wat die argitektuur ‘n unieke sintese maak, ‘n kwalitieit wat seldsaam in Suid Afrikaanse argitektuur teegekom word. Fagan se ontwerpproses se oorsprong kan gevind word in die polaritei van sy opvoeding. Hy is in ‘n welgestelde familie gebore waar spaarsaamheid en ‘n waardering van kwaliteit gelyk getrek het. As ‘n kind het sy belange tussen pragmatiese nuuskierigheid en kreatiewe sensitiwiteit gewissel. Hierdie teenstrydighede het gedurende sy tersiere opvoeding aangehou waar hy vier jaar van ‘n ingeneurs graad klaargemaak het voor hy argitektuur begin studeer het. Die ortodokse internasionale Modernisme van die Witwatersrand se Argitekskool het verander na ‘n gebiedsgebonde uitdrukking by die nuwe Pretoria Skool end die invloed van lektore soos die pragmatiese Basil South (1915-1952) en Cole-Bowen (1904-1976) en kontektuele sensitiewe argitekte soos Helmut Strauch (1910-1970) en Norman Eaton (1902-1966) het die weg gebaan vir Fagan se eie argitektoniese taal. Die digotomië in Fagan se huislike argitektuur skep ‘n vars en onverwagse uitkoms, ‘n bemiddelde resultaat in ‘n ou idioom en ‘n nuwe taal vir ‘n nuwe tyd. af
dc.identifier.citation Barker, A. 2010, 'Heterotrophic syntheses : mediation in the domestic architecture of Gabriel Fagan', South African Journal of Art History, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 14-33. [http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_sajah.html] en_US
dc.identifier.issn 0258-3542
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/15789
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Art Historical Work Group of South Africa en_US
dc.rights Art Historical Work Group of South Africa en_US
dc.subject Modernism en_US
dc.subject Vernacular en_US
dc.subject Architectural form en_US
dc.subject Heterotrophic en_US
dc.subject Modernisme af
dc.subject Landstaal af
dc.subject Argitektoniese vorm af
dc.subject Heterotrofies af
dc.subject.lcsh Regionalism in architecture -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Modern movement (Architecture) -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Architecture, Domestic -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Architecture -- History en
dc.subject.lcsh Fagan, Gawie -- Criticism and interpretation en
dc.subject.lcsh Vernacular architecture -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Architecture -- Philosophy en
dc.title Heterotrophic syntheses : mediation in the domestic architecture of Gabriël Fagan en_US
dc.title.alternative Heterotropiese sintesis : mediasie in die huisargitektuur van Gabriël Fagan af
dc.type Article en_US

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