Verslagdoening en openbaarmaking van navorsings- en ontwikkelingskoste in die finansiële state van Suid-Afrikaanse publieke maatskappye

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Show simple item record Koornhof, Carolina, 1959- Koppeschaar, Zanne Ronelle 2011-01-07T12:21:03Z 2011-01-07T12:21:03Z 1999
dc.description.abstract In a rapidly changing business environment, successful enterprises are becoming more innovative and increasing resources are allocated to research and development of new ideas, products, processes, services and systems. Consequently, the disclosure of information on research and development costs in the financial statements of enterprises is becoming more important to the users of these statements. The aim of this study is to establish the extent to which South African listed companies disclose information on research and development costs in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice in their financial statements. The report of the Foundation for Research Development (1997) on, Innovation Patterns in South African Manufacturing Firms, is used to identify the South African listed companies that are involved in research and development. The information in this report is compared to the financial statements of the selected companies for the financial years ending from 1994 to 1997. The study found that the financial statements of the companies in the sample in 1994 did not provide the information on research and development costs required by AC122. In subsequent years (1995-1997) the companies disclosed more of the information on research and development costs required by the statement. Only one company in the sample actually capitalised development costs. en
dc.identifier.citation Koornhof, C & Koppeschaar, ZR 1999, 'Die verslagdoening en openbaarmaking van navorsings- en ontwikkelingskoste in die finansiële state van Suid-Afrikaanse publieke maatskappye', Meditari : Accountancy Research, vol. 7, pp. 165-185. [] af
dc.identifier.issn 1022-2529
dc.language.iso Afrikaans af
dc.publisher School of Accounting Sciences, University of Pretoria en_US
dc.rights School of Accounting Sciences, University of Pretoria en
dc.subject Accounting disclosure en
dc.subject Rekeningkundige openbaarmaking af
dc.subject Development costs en
dc.subject Ontwikkelingskoste af
dc.subject Ontasbare bates af
dc.subject Research cost en
dc.subject Navorsingskoste af
dc.subject Listed companies en
dc.subject Enterprise research activities en
dc.subject Enterprise development activcities en
dc.subject Research and development accounting en
dc.subject.lcsh Intangible property en
dc.subject.lcsh Financial statements en
dc.subject.lcsh Disclosure of information en
dc.title Verslagdoening en openbaarmaking van navorsings- en ontwikkelingskoste in die finansiële state van Suid-Afrikaanse publieke maatskappye af
dc.type Article en

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