Indigenous images of a colonial exotic : imaginings from Bushman southern Africa

Show simple item record Ouzman, Sven 2010-05-28T07:46:12Z 2010-05-28T07:46:12Z 2003
dc.description.abstract Rock-art is a powerful and theoretically informed artefact that allows non-rock-art producing people an understanding of the worldview of the rock-artists. But the flow of information in such rock-art researches – ‘us’ observing ‘them’ via `their’ artefacts is often asymmetrical and can be disempowering to the rock-artproducing individuals and communities past and present. Fortunately, rock-art is also able to balance and even reverse this asymmetry. For example, there are certain ‘contact’ period Bushman rock engravings and rock paintings in southern Africa that were produced at and after the time of the colonisation of southern Africa by non-Bushmen. Some of the power relations between indigenes and colonists are made explicit in the form of rock-paintings and rock-engravings. Specifically, much of this rock-art shows how the Bushmen imagined and imaged the colonists. en_US
dc.identifier.citation Ouzman, S 2003, 'Indigenous images of a colonial exotic: imaginings from Bushman southern Africa', Before Farming: the Archaeology and Anthropology of Hunter-Gatherers, vol. 1, no. 6, pp. 17-39. [] en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1476-4261
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Western Academic & Specialist Press en_US
dc.rights © Western Academic & Specialist Press en_US
dc.subject Rock art en_US
dc.subject Southern Africa en_US
dc.subject Colonialism en_US
dc.subject Reverse gaze en_US
dc.subject San en_US
dc.subject Bushmen en_US
dc.subject.lcsh Rock-paintings en
dc.subject.lcsh Petroglyphs en
dc.subject.lcsh San (African people) en
dc.subject.lcsh Colonists en
dc.title Indigenous images of a colonial exotic : imaginings from Bushman southern Africa en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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