Toekomsverwagtings onder die jeug van die bruin bevolkingsgroep in Suid-Afrika

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Show simple item record Steyn, Miemsie G. Kamper, Gerrit D. 2010-03-16T11:33:51Z 2010-03-16T11:33:51Z 2009-12
dc.description.abstract The brown population in South Africa is not only faced with numerous social, economic and political challenges but also experiences a lack of collective identity. Hendricks (2005:118) points out that the origin of the brown population group can be traced back to historical social atrocities like slavery, murder and rape. The collective identity of the brown population is often shrouded in a lack of self-confidence and psychological empowerment, which left them over the years without any significant economic or political power (Adhikari 2002:123). During the Apartheid dispensation, two measures in particular had a devastating effect on the brown population group, namely the Group Areas Act (South Africa 1950) and the Act on the Separate Representation of Voters (South Africa 1951). By means of the former, many people of colour were forced to move to other, separate and often second rate residential areas, whilst the latter resulted in far reaching political marginalisation. High expectations that this situation would change after 1994 were gradually but surely disappointed. The coloured population group’s feelings of marginality – and of betrayal amongst some disillusioned former supporters of the anti-apartheid movement – have since been exacerbated by a perceived loss of status in the new South Africa. Over the years, sociologists have busied themselves with the question about the extent to which an uncertain sense of identity contributes to social problems which manifest in violence and crime. Concerning the brown population group, such a link seems to have been established with considerable certainty (Williams 2002; Laubscher 2003). Compared to other population groups, the incidence of social problems is actually the highest amongst brown people (Laubscher 2003). Ideally, the youth strives for a future in which they can live, work and contribute as full-fledged citizens towards the development of their country. Such a future perspective is educationally of high relevance, because it is a significant factor in the motivation to learn. In view of the brown population group’s continued precarious position, the following research question was formulated: To what extent are brown adolescents sceptical about their future in South Africa? Grade 12 learners would have been the ideal target group for this research since they are on the brink of stepping into the future. However, since principals generally do not wish the academic programme of Grade 12 learners to be disturbed, the study focused on Grade 11 learners in the assumption that the data gained from this group would not be significantly different. After an initial focus group interview with a Grade 11 group to identify main themes and categories, these were used to develop a questionnaire for wider use in a questionnaire survey. The schools involved were purposively selected in order to acquire data from semi-urban and urban settings in which the brown population group is strongly represented, or the majority. The questionnaires were personally delivered and collected, and a response rate of nearly 100% could thus be achieved. In view of the already mentioned identity search and related problems, it was assumed that this would be reflected in a rather negative outlook on the future amongst the youth of the brown population group. Contrary to this expectation the foremost research conclusion was that the respondents held a predominantly positive view on their future in South Africa. This finding bodes well for the learning motivation of brown adolescents, and for the social upliftment and positive self-concept of South Africa’s brown population group. en
dc.description.abstract Normaalweg visualiseer die Jeug ’n toekoms waarin hulle as volwaardige burgers kan woon, werk en bydra tot die ontwikkeling van hul vaderland. Hierdie toekomsperspektief is opvoedkundig van groot belang, omdat dit ’n wesenlike faktor in leermotivering is. Die bruin bevolkingsgroep in Suid-Afrika het te kampe met talle maatskaplike, ekonomiese en politieke uitdagings as gevolg van volgehoue marginalisering, ook in die nuwe politieke bedeling in Suid-Afrika. Teen hierdie agtergrond is die volgende navorsingsvraag geformuleer: In watter mate is die bruin jeug skepties oor hul toekoms in Suid-Afrika? ’n Vraelysondersoek is onder Graad 11 leerders gedoen. Teen die verwagting in het dit geblyk dat respondente oorwegend positief was oor die verwesenliking van hul toekomsideale in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie bevinding hou veel goeds in vir die maatskaplike opheffing en positiewe selfbeeld van Suid-Afrika se bruin gemeenskap. af
dc.identifier.citation Steyn, MG & Kamper, GD 2009, 'Toekomsverwagtings onder die jeug van die bruin bevolkingsgroep in Suid-Afrika', Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 688-704. [] af
dc.identifier.issn 0041-4751
dc.language.iso Afrikaans af
dc.publisher Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap & Kuns af
dc.rights Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap & Kuns af
dc.subject Future expectations en
dc.subject Brown population group en
dc.subject.lcsh Youth -- South Africa -- Social conditions en
dc.subject.lcsh Social problems -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Group identity -- South Africa en
dc.title Toekomsverwagtings onder die jeug van die bruin bevolkingsgroep in Suid-Afrika af
dc.title.alternative Future expectations amongst the youth of the brown population group in South Africa en
dc.type Article af

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