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Results Per Page:

Diodes, Schottky-barrier (5)
DLTS (5)
Entanglement (4)
Germanium (4)
Ge (3)
Implantation (3)
Ion implantation (3)
Photoluminescence (3)
Silicon (3)
Space groups (3)
Zinc oxide (3)
Algorithms (2)
Barrier height (2)
Crystals (2)
Eigenvalues (2)
Electron beams (2)
Electrons (2)
Epitaxy (2)
Fourie, D.J. (2)
Friedland, E.K.H. (2)
Gaigher, H.L. (2)
Germanium -- Defects (2)
Gundry, P.G. (2)
Laplace DLTS (2)
Laplace transformation (2)
Malherbe, J.B. (2)
Phonons (2)
Plasma etching (2)
Prinsloo, L.A. (2)
Pulsed laser deposition (2)
Raman effect (2)
Schottky contacts (2)
Selection rules (2)
Steyn, A.P. (2)
Temperature measurements (2)
Thin films (2)
Time reversal (2)
Time reversal symmetry (2)
University of Pretoria. Dept. of Physics -- History (2)
Van der Lingen, J.S. (2)
Van der Merwe, J.H. (2)
Verleger, H.A.W. (2)
Vos, V. (2)
Waxman algorithm (2)
ZnO (2)
Acceptors (1)
Alpha rays (1)
Alpha-particle irradiation (1)
Aluminum (1)
Amorphization (1)
Annealing (1)
Annealing of metals (1)
Ar plasma etching (1)
Aragonite (1)
Atomic force microscopy (1)
Auret, D. (1)
Basson, W. (1)
Beetles (1)
Beezhold, W.F. (1)
Biased probability distribution (1)
Boltzmann transport equation (1)
Brachistochrone (1)
Brillouin zones (1)
Cadmium sulphide photoconductive cells processing (1)
Canonical distribution (1)
Capacitance meters (1)
Carotenoids (1)
Carrier concentration (1)
Channeling (Physics) (1)
Channelling (1)
Channelling geometry (1)
Characterization (1)
Charge transfer devices electronics (1)
Chemical bonds (1)
Condensed matter physics (1)
Conducting polymers characterization (1)
Cr alloy (1)
Critical thinking (1)
CrRu thin films (1)
Czochralski Si (1)