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HTS Volume 59, Number 3 (2003)
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Beentjes, P.C. (Pancratius Cornelis)
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
Research has shown that the majority of the narratives on war in the book of Chronicles have been created by the Chronicler himself. This article offers a fresh proposal that war narratives in the book of Chronicles are ...
Venter, P.M. (Pieter Michiel), 1947-
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
An intertextual analysis of sections containing trends of retributive justice in Jubilees 14:1-28, 24:14-17, 30:1-25 and texts including apocalyptic trends in 1:7-29, 23:11-32, gives some indication of the time and world ...
Van Seters, John
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
The problem of how Deuteronomy relates to the Pentateuch and to the book of Joshua came to the fore with Noth’s thesis of a Deuteronomistic History, which was in conflict with the earlier support for a Hexateuch in the ...
Nel, Philip J.
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
This article explores both the subversive dimension of the biblical text, in particular the Old Testament, as the ramifications thereof for the concept of a religious text. It argues that interpretation has been historically ...
Stander, Hennie (Hendrik Frederik), 1953-
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
Recently, studies have illustrated that honour and shame were core values in the Mediterranean world in general and in the Bible too. These studies usually resort to classical sources to support the claims being made. ...
Loba-Mkole, Jean-Claude
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
This article aims to show that some of the New Testament interpretations of the "son of man" phrase appear to be, according to B Lindars “a myth, created, not by the thinkers of the New Testament times, but by modern ...
Jeppesen, Knud
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
The Psalter, read as a coherent book instead of being read as 150 independent poems, reveals some patterns and a continuum of ideas, which might not express the editors’ original intention, but support the readers’ ...
Jackson, Glenna S.
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
This article elaborates on the author’s monograph “Have mercy on me”: The story of the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15.21-28 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002). According to the monograph, Matthew uses the Psalms, ...
Taylor, N.H.
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
This article examines ways in which Paul defined the notion of apostleship in the course of conflict with rival authority claimants in the early Church. In Galatians Paul defines and asserts his apostolic self-identity in ...
Groenewald, Alphonso, 1969-
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
Psalm 69:37a refers to the "servants" in the composite "the offspring of his servants". This composite takes up a concept which already appeared as a self-indication of the supplicant of this Psalm, namely in its singular ...
Klein, Stephanie
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
One of the most central issues in a feminist practical theology is that of the experience of women. This issue raises the questions of how this experience can be accessed and in what manner ways or methods can be found by ...
Dreyer, Yolanda
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
This article aims to explain Henri Nouwen’s reflection on the relationship between psychology and practical theology and especially on the commensurability/incommensurability of psychological techniques and spirituality, ...
Muis, Jan
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
In this article it is argued that in actual systematic reflection on the Christian faith we cannot a priori assume that the dogma has the same content as Scripture, because it is strongly determined by its cultural-philosophical, ...
De Villiers, P.G.R. (Pieter Gideon Retief)
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
This essay firstly investigates the role of history and religious experience in the research of biblical texts generally and on the Book of Revelation in particular. It delineates limitations of some established historical ...
Crossan, John Dominic
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
Virginal conception presumes divine intervention, but divine intervention does not necessarily presume virginal conception. In the case of Mary, two phenomena, both unusual in Jewish tradition, are found, namely divine and ...
Verhoef, Eduard
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
In order to verify the presence of pseudepigraphic epistles in the New Testament, scholars have often argued that followers of a famous philosopher, such as Pythagoras or Plato, wrote pseudepigraphic documents. This argument ...
Haikola, Lars
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
This article maintains that humankind is in need of a world-view and that traditionally, this need was fulfilled by myth and religion. The mechanistic world-view was created as a result of the breakthrough in science in ...
Capps, D.E. (Donald Eric)
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
Albert Schweitzer and the psychiatric studies of Jesus that he critiqued in 1913 shared the belief that Jesus identified himself as the coming Messiah. Unlike the psychiatrists, however, Schweitzer did not therefore judge ...
Brawley, Robert L. (Robert Lawson)
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
Combining theories of intertextuality and abductive reasoning, this article demonstrates the figurative nature of scriptural allusions in Matthew. Allusions form figurations that open new perspectives for readers inasmuch ...
Volschenk, G.J. (Gert Jacobus)
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
This article focuses on the place and function of topology within the structure of Matthew. An overview of the different models on the structure of Matthew shows the dominance of the chiastic model. The author uses the ...