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Skrif en Kerk Volume 19 Issue 2 (1998)
Recent Submissions
Coetzee, J.H. (Johannes Hendrik)
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1998)
The rhetoric of religious politics in Psalm 2: The rhetorical argumentation strategies of Psalm 2 as a political-cultic poem are explored in order to highlight the function of these strategies, the
exigency and the audience ...
Bezuidenhout, L.C. (Louis Christiaan)
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1998)
Upon what were the foundations of it fastened? Reflections on creation
and the big bang:
Through the ages the debate between theology and the natural sciences
concerning the origin of the universe was turbulent. Today ...
Human, Dirk J.
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1998)
Psalms and their Sitz (e) im Leben. An analysis in view of Psalms 55
and 74: It is hermeneutically unthinkable to expose any Old Testament text, without
taking its historic and/or cultic Sitz im Leben into consideration. ...
Scheffler, Eben
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1998)
Different messages for different contexts: the literature of the exile
(597-539 BC):
In this article the biblical literature that originated in the exile is discussed.
It is indicated how these different writings ...
Meiring, Piet (Pieter Gerhard Jacobus), 1941-
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1998)
Not only missions, but also the study of the Science of Mission, Missiology, continually finds itself under close scrutiny. Reacting to the many questions in this regard, the author reflects on three main themes: 1) ~t ...
Kalu, O.U. (Ogbu U.)
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1998)
This article reflects on the 1996 Conference on World Mission and Evangelism. The relation between gospel, culture and mission is considered,
especially from an Africa perspective, but not reserved to it in application. ...
Joubert, Johann van Dijk
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1998)
In recent years the controversy on the existence of God has made many theologians and church members restless. Old familiar ideas have been
shattered, and many people are confused when they are confronted by such slogans ...
Van Niekerk, A.S. (Attie)
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1998)
The Dutch Reformed Church must find it's role and identity in the coming century in a new context, without the power that came from the church's alliance with dominant Afrikaner nationalism. One role could be to become a ...
Vroom, Hendrik M., 1945-
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1998)
In this contribution three models of the organisation of theology have been described: seminaries, a combination of university and church responsibilities, and free standing theological school and faculties with a ...
Braulik, Georg
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1998)
If one compares the articles of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" dated December 10th, 1948, with the regulations of the book of
Deuteronomy, one detects a surprising abundance of correspondences, or at least ...
Stander, Hennie (Hendrik Frederik), 1953-
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1998)
In Jeremiah 2:37 God says to Israel: "You will leave that place (= Egypt) with your hands upon your head". In this article various Bible translations and commentaries are scrutinized to determine how modern exegetes interpret ...
Le Roux, J.H. (Jurie Hendrik), 1944-
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1998)
Voor my lê drie begrafnisbriewe. Vir die soveelste keer het ek dit al gelees en steeds is alles onwerklik. Het dit werklik gebeur? Hoe is dit moontlik dat drie belangrike Ou Testamentici binne 'n paar maande kan sterf? Wat ...
Muller, Julian C.; Stone, Howard W.
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1998)
The fascinating, but complex field of intercultural communication and pastoral care is the focus of research in this article. The authors describe the two approaches of pastoral therapy and show how it can be implemented ...
Van der Watt, J.G. (Jan Gabriel), 1952-
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1998)
The use of terminology like symbol, metaphor and figurative speech is very confusing, since these terms are defined in a variety of ways. A definition of symbol is formulated, and applied to the imagery of shepherding in ...
Schuman, N.A. (Niek)
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1998)
This guest-lecture tells about the recent Dutch liturgical handbook De weg van de liturgie. It discusses some crucial problematic points, like that of the Jewish background of Christian liturgy. It pleas for an open mind ...
Wessels, W.J. (Wilhelm Joseph)
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1998)
Power and the abuse of it, is often an integral part of discussions in any society. The prophets of the Old Testament felt strongly about this issue and often spoke out against the abuse of power and the suffering caused ...
Pieterse, Hendrik J.C. (Hennie)
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1998)
The political dispensation in South Africa since 1994 marginalised Afrikaansspeaking Dutch Reformed church members in the new South African society. Their identity is under pressure in a dominant culture that differs from ...
Le Roux, J.H. (Jurie Hendrik), 1944-
(Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1998)
In 1996 Karel van der Toom published a very important book on family religion in Babylonia, Syria and Israel. He introduced us to the very
exciting world of ancient man and his religion. This article stresses the importance ...