Methods used to generate ideas and suggestions differ. It is generally accepted that employees
from all levels in the organisation are involved in the design, but the respondents have different
opinions. Suggestion systems consist of formal procedures; its success will depend on a number
of factors. It should be explained during the induction process. This paper reports on research of
suggestion systems executed through qualitative research with structured interviews in 21
organisations in New Zealand of which 90.48% are from the private sector and 9.52% are from
the public sector. A 100% response rate was achieved. To train all the people involved will help
to be effective in the Idea Generation Programmes. Software should be used to administer and to
manage the process effectively and efficiently. A flow chart was developed by the authors to assist
with the generating of ideas system. Line managers should authorise implementation of
suggestions. Due to financial issues, higher level approval is needed for rewards as well as for
suggestions that could have implications on corporate level. It was found that managers will
always play a pivotal role in the success of the suggestion system. Important issues are pointed
out in the implications for managers section.