Browsing by Author "Wood, A.R."

Browsing by Author "Wood, A.R."

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  • Schoch, C.L.; Crous, Pedro W.; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias; Boehm, E.W.A.; Burgess, Treena I.; De Gruyter, J.; De Hoog, G. Sybren; Dixon, L.J.; Grube, M.; Gueidan, C.; Harada, Y.; Hatakeyama, S.; Hirayama, K.; Hosoya, T.; Huhndorf, S.M.; Hyde, Kevin D.; Jones, E.B.G.; Kohlmeyer, J.; Kruys, A.; Li, Y.M.; Lucking, R.; Lumbsch, H. Thorsten; Marvanova, L.; Mbatchou, J.S.; McVay, A.H.; Miller, A.N.; Mugambi, G.K.; Muggia, L.; Nelsen, M.P.; Nelson, P.; Owensby, C.A.; Phillips, A.J.L.; Phongpaichit, S.; Pointing, Stephen B.; Pujade-Renaud, V.; Raja, H.A.; Rivas Plata, E.; Robbertse, Barbara; Ruibal, C.; Sakayaroj, J.; Sano, T.; Selbmann, L.; Shearer, C.A.; Shirouzu, T.; Slippers, Bernard; Suetrong, S.; Tanaka, K.; Volkmannkohlmeyer, B.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Wood, A.R.; Woudenberg, J.H.C.; Yonezawa, H.; Zhang, Yong; Spatafora, J.W. (Cbs Publications / Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, 2009)
    We present a comprehensive phylogeny derived from 5 genes, nucSSU, nucLSU rDNA, TEF1, RPB1 and RPB2, for 356 isolates and 41 families (six newly described in this volume) in Dothideomycetes. All currently accepted orders ...
  • Wood, A.R.; Damm, U.; Van der Linde, E.J.; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias; Cheewangkoon, R.; Crous, Pedro W. (Naturalis Biodiversity Center and Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, 2016)
    Species belonging to the Coryneliaceae and parasitizing Podocarpaceae hosts were collected from different locations in South Africa and studied morphologically by light microscopy and molecularly by obtaining partial ...
  • Crous, Pedro W.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Guarro, J.; Cheewangkoon, R.; Van der Bank, Michelle; Swart, W.J.; Stchigel, A.M.; Cano-Lira, J.F.; Roux, Jolanda; Madrid, H.; Damm, Ulrike; Wood, A.R.; Shuttleworth, L.A. (Lucas); Hodges, C.S.; Munster, M.; Yanez-Morales, M. de Jesus; Zuniga-Estrada, L.; Cruywagen, Elsie M.; De Hoog, G. Sybren; Silvera, C.; Najafzadeh, J.; Davison, E.M.; Davison, P.J.N.; Barrett, M.D.; Barrett, R.L.; Manamgoda, D.S.; Minnis, A.M.; Kleczewski, N.M.; Flory, S.L.; Castlebury, L.A.; Clay, K.; Hyde, Kevin D.; Mausse-Sitoe, S.N.D.; Chen, ShuaiFei; Lechat, C.; Hairaud, M.; Lesage-Meessen, L.; Pawłowska, J.; Wilk, M.; Sliwinska-Wyrzychowska, A.; Metrak, M.; Wrzosek, M.; Pavlic-Zupanc, Draginja; Maleme, Happy-girl Mamodise; Slippers, Bernard; Mac Cormack, W.P.; Archuby, D.I.; Grunwald, N.J.; Telleria, M.T.; Duenas, M.; Martin, M.P.; Marincowitz, Seonju; De Beer, Z. Wilhelm; Perez, C.A.; Gené, J.; Marin-Felix, Y.; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias (American Phytopathological Society, 2013-11-26)
    Novel species of microfungi described in the present study include the following from South Africa: Camarosporium aloes, Phaeococcomyces aloes and Phoma aloes from Aloe, C. psoraleae, Diaporthe psoraleae and D. ...
  • Crous, Pedro W.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Marincowitz, Seonju; Roux, Jolanda; Hernandez-Restrepo, Margarita; Shivas, R.G.; Quaedvlieg, W.; Van der Bank, Michelle; Zhang, Yong; Summerell, Brett A.; Guarro, Josep; Wood, A.R.; Alfenas, A.C.; Braun, Uwe; Cano-Lira, J.F.; García, D.; Marin-Felix, Y.; Alvarado, P.; Andrade, J.P.; Armengol, J.; Assefa, A.; Den Breeÿen, A.; Camele, I.; Cheewangkoon, R.; De Souza, J.T.; Duong, Tuan A.; Esteve-Raventos, F.; Fournier, J.; Frisullo, S.; Garcia-Jimenez, J.; Gardiennet, A.; Gené, Josepa; Hirooka, Y.; Hospenthal, D.R.; King, A.; Lechat, C.; Lombard, Lorenzo; Mang, S.M.; Marbach, P.A.S.; Marin-Felix, Y.; Montano-Mata, N.J.; Moreno, G.; Perez, C.A.; Perez Sierra, A.M.; Robertson, J.L.; Rubio, E.; Schumacher, R.K.; Stchigel, A.M.; Sutton, D.A.; Tan, Y.P.; Thompson, E.H.; Van der Linde, E.; Walker, A.K.; Walker, D.M.; Wickes, B.L.; Wong, P.T.W.; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias (Nationaal Herbarium Nederland and Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, 2014)
    Novel species of microfungi described in the present study include the following from South Africa: Cercosporella dolichandrae from Dolichandra unguiscati, Seiridium podocarpi from Podocarpus latifolius, Pseudocercospor ...
  • Crous, Pedro W.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Schumacher, R.K.; Summerell, Brett A.; Giraldo, A.; Gené, J.; Guarro, J.; Wanasinghe, D.N.; Hyde, Kevin D.; Camporesi, E.; Gareth Jones, E.B.; Thambugala, K.M.; Malysheva, V.F.; Acharya, K.; Álvarez, J.; Alvarado, P.; Assefa, A.; Barnes, C.W.; Bartlett, J.S.; Blanchette, Robert A.; Burgess, Treena I.; Carlavilla, J.R.; Coetzee, Martin Petrus Albertus; Damm, Ulrike; Decock, C.A.; Den Breeÿen, A.; De Vries, Bert B.A.; Dutta, A.K.; Holdom, D.G.; Rooney-Latham, S.; Manjón, J.L.; Marincowitz, Seonju; Mirabofalthy, M.; Moreno, G.; Nakashima, C.; Papizadeh, M.; Shahzadeh Fazeli, S.A.; Amoozegar, M.A.; Romberg, M.K.; Shivas, R.G.; Stalpers, Joost A.; Stielow, Benjamin; Stukely, Michael J.C.; Swart, W.J.; Tan, Y.P.; Van der Bank, Michelle; Wood, A.R.; Zhang, Yong; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias (Nationaal Herbarium Nederland and Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, 2014)
    Novel species of fungi described in the present study include the following from South Africa: Alanphillipsia aloeicola from Aloe sp., Arxiella dolichandrae from Dolichandra unguiscati, Ganoderma austroafricanum from Jacaranda ...
  • Hammerbacher, Almuth; Crous, Pedro W.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Barnes, Irene; Van der Merwe, Nicolaas Albertus (Albie); Hernandez-Restrepo, Margarita; Guarro, Josep; Sotton, D.A.; Acharya, K.; Barber, Paul A.; Boekhout, Teun; Dimitrov, R.A.; Duenas, Margarita; Dutta, A.K.; Gene, Josepa; Gouliamova, D.E.; Groenewald, M.; Lombard, Lorenzo; Morozova, Olga V.; Sarkar, J.; Smith, M.Th.; Stchigel, A.M.; Wiederhold, N.P.; Alexandrova, A.V.; Antelmi, I.; Armengol, J.; Cano-Rina, J.F.; Castaneda-Ruiz, Rafael F.; Contu, M.; Courtecuisse, Pr.R.; Da Silveira, A.L.; Decock, C.A.; De Goes, A.; Edathodu, J.; Ercole, E.; Firmino, A.C.; Fourie, A.; Fournier, J.; Furtado, E.L.; Geering, A.D.W.; Gershenzon, J.; Giraldo, A.; Gramaje, D.; He, X-L.; Haryadi, D.; Khemmuk, W.; Kovalenko, A.E.; Krawczynski, R.; Laich, F.; Lechat, C,; Lopes, U.P.; Madrid, H.; Malysheva, E.F.; Marín-Felix, Y.; Martin, M.P.; Mostert, L.; Nigro, F.; Pereira, O.L.; Picillo, B.; Pinho, D.B.; Popov, Eugene S.; Rodas Pelaez, C.A.; Rooney-Latham, S.; Sandoval-Denis, M.; Shivas, R.G.; Silva, V.; Stoilova-Disheva, M.M.; Telleria, M. Teresa; Ullah, C.; Unsicker, S.B.; Vizzini, A.; Wagner, H.-G.; Wong, P.T.W.; Wood, A.R.; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias (Naturalis Biodiversity Center and Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, 2015-06-10)
    Novel species of fungi described in the present study include the following from Malaysia: Castanediella eucalypti from Eucalyptus pellita, Codinaea acacia from Acacia mangium, Emarcea eucalyptigena from Eucalyptus brassiana, ...
  • Crous, Pedro W.; Wingfield, Michael J.; De Beer, Z. Wilhelm; Marincowitz, Seonju; Duong, Tuan A.; Le Roux, J.J.; Richardson, D.M.; Strasberg, D.; Shivas, R.G.; Alvarado, P.; Edwards, J.; Moreno, G.; Sharma, R.; Sonawane, M.S.; Tan, Y.P.; Altes, A.; Barasubiye, T.; Barnes, C.W.; Blanchette, R.A.; Boertmann, D.; Bogo, A.; Carlavilla, J.R.; Cheewangkoon, R.; Daniel, R.; Yanez-Morales, M. de Jesus; Fernandez-Vicente, J.; Geering, A.D.W.; Guest, D.I.; Held, B.W.; Heykoop, M.; Hubka, V.; Ismail, A.M.; Kajale, S.C.; Khemmuk, W.; Karalik, M.; Kurli, R.; Lebeuf, R; Levesque, C.A.; Lombard, L.; Magista, D.; Manjon, J.L.; Mohedano, J.M.; Novakova, A.; Oberlies, N.H.; Otto, E.C.; Paguigan, N.D.; Pascoe, I.G.; Perez-Butron, J.L.; Perrone, G.; Raja, H.A.; Rahi, P.; Raja, H.A.; Rintoul, T.; Sanhueza, R.M.V.; Scarlett, K.; Shouche, Y.S.; Shuttleworth, L.A.; Taylor, P.W.J.; Thorn, R.G.; Vawdrey, L.L.; Solano-Vidal, R.; Voitk, A.; Wong, P.T.W.; Wood, A.R.; Zamora, J.C.; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias (Naturalis Biodiversity Center and Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, 2015)
    Novel species of fungi described in the present study include the following from Australia: Neoseptorioides eucalypti gen. & sp. nov. from Eucalyptus radiata leaves, Phytophthora gondwanensis from soil, Diaporthe tulliensis ...
  • Marin-Felix, Yasmina; Marincowitz, Seonju; Barnes, Irene; De Beer, Z. Wilhelm; Giraldo, Alejandra; Hernandez-Restrepo, Margarita; McTaggart, Alistair R.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Crous, Pedro W.; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias; Cai, L.; Chen, Q.; Bensch, K.; Braun, U.; Campores, E.; Damm, U.; Dissanayake, A.; Edwards, J.; Giraldo, Alejandra; Hyde, K.D.; Jayawardena, R.S.; Lombard, L.; Luangsa-ard, J.; Rossman, A.Y.; Sandoval-Denis, M.; Shen, M.; Shivas, R.G.; Tan, Y.P.; Van der Linde, E.J.; Wood, A.R.; Zhang, J.Q.; Zhang, Y. (Fungal Biodiversity Centre (CBS), 2017-05-05)
    Genera of Phytopathogenic Fungi (GOPHY) is introduced as a new series of publications in order to provide a stable platform for the taxonomy of phytopathogenic fungi. This first paper focuses on 21 genera of phytopathogenic ...
  • Marin-Felix, Yasmina; Hernández-Restrepo, M.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Akulov, A.; Carnegie, A.J.; Cheewangkoon, R.; Gramaje, D.; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias; Guarnaccia, Vladimiro; Halleen, F.; Lombard, L.; Luangsa-ard, J.; Marincowitz, Seonju; Moslemi, A.; Mostert, L.; Quaedvlieg, W.; Schumacher, R.K.; Spies, C.F.J.; Thangavel, R.; Taylor, P.W.J.; Wilson, Andrea M.; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Wood, A.R.; Crous, Pedro W. (Elsevier, 2019-03)
    This paper represents the second contribution in the Genera of Phytopathogenic Fungi (GOPHY) series. The series provides morphological descriptions and information regarding the pathology, distribution, hosts and disease ...
  • Crous, Pedro W.; Braun, Uwe; Wingfield, Michael J.; Wood, A.R.; Shin, H.D.; Summerell, Brett A.; Alfenas, A.C.; Cumagun, C.J.R.; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias (Nationaal Herbarium Nederland & Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, 2009)
    The recently generated molecular phylogeny for the kingdom Fungi, on which a new classification scheme is based, still suffers from an under representation of numerous apparently asexual genera of microfungi. In an attempt ...