Browsing by UP Author "Lucht, Heike Luise"

Browsing by UP Author "Lucht, Heike Luise"

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  • Casey, Norman Henry; Lucht, Heike Luise; Reijnders, B. (South African Society for Animal Science, 2019)
    Bromide (Br-) concentrations (mg/L) in groundwater range from no observed adverse effect levels (NOAEL), which is considered safe, and increase to constituent of concern (COC) when the concentrations approach the recommended ...
  • Lucht, Heike Luise; Casey, Norman Henry (Water Research Commission, 2019)
    Many regions across South Africa are dependent on groundwater as the only water source for livestock watering and domestic use. This paper presents an analysis of 350 water samples from collated data of 5 reports published ...
  • Lucht, Heike Luise; Casey, Norman Henry; Sawosz, E. (South African Society for Animal Science, 2018-07-05)
    The range of bromide (Br-) in groundwater sources surveyed in South Africa is 0 - 18.4 mg/L. The research aimed to establish chicken embryo sensitivity to a range of Br- treatments (mg/L) injected into fertilised Ross-308 ...