BACKGROUND: We evaluated the prevalence of archived proviral drug resistance
mutations (DRMs) associated with resistance to integrase strand transfer
inhibitors (INSTIs) shortly before Botswana transitioned in 2016 to using
dolutegravir (DTG)-based antiretroviral treatment in first-line regimens.
METHODS: We used the Stanford University HIV drug resistance database to
analyze INSTI-resistance associated mutations (RAMs) in a large representative
population-based cohort of adults recruited in 30 geographically dispersed
communities as part of the Botswana Combination Prevention Project (BCPP)
cohort from 2013 to 2018. A total of 5,144 HIV-1 proviral DNA sequences were
included in our analysis; 1,281 sequences were from antiretroviral therapy
(ART)-naïve individuals and 3,863 sequences were from non-nucleoside
reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) ART-experienced individuals. None of
the sequences were from DTG-ART experienced participants.
RESULTS: The overall prevalence of major INSTIs DRMs was 1.11% (95% CI
0.82–1.39%). The prevalence of INSTI DRMs in ART-naïve individuals was
1.64% (21/1,281) and 0.93% (36/3,863) in ART-experienced individuals. Major
INSTI-RAMs detected in ART-naïve individuals were E138K (2/1,281; 0.16%),
G140R (8/1,281;0.62%), E92G (2/1,281;0.16%), R263K (5/1,281; 0.4%), N155H
(1/1,281; 0.08%), P145S (1/1,281;0.008%). Among the ART-experienced
individuals, major INSTI RAMs detected were E138K (4/3,863; 0.10%), G140R
(25/3,863;0.65%), G118R (2/3,863, 0.05%), R263K (4/3,863, 0.10%), T66I (1/3,863;0.03%), E138K + G140R (1/3,863, 0.03%|), G140R + R263K (1/3,863,
0.03%). High-level resistance to cabotegravir (CAB), elvitegravir (EVG), and
raltegravir (RAL) was detected in 0.70, 0.16 and 0.06% of the individuals,
respectively. Notably, bictegravir (BIC) and dolutegravir (DTG) showed no
high-level resistance.
CONCLUSION: The overall prevalence of archived INSTI RAMs in Botswana was low
prior to transitioning to first-line DTG-based ART regimens, and did not differ
between ART-naïve and ART-experienced individuals. Ongoing surveillance of
INSTI DRMs in Botswana will allow for re-assessment of INSTI resistance risk
following nationwide DTG rollout.
DATA AVAILABITY STATEMENT: Publicly available datasets were analyzed in this study. This
data can be found here: HIV-1 sequences are available on request
through the PANGEA consortium (www.pangea-hiv.org). BCPP
data are available at https://data.cdc.gov/Global-Health/BotswanaCombination-Prevention-Project-BCPP-Publi/qcw5-4m9q.