Animal tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium bovis, presents a significant
threat to both livestock industries and public health. Mycobacterium bovis tests
rely on detecting antigen specific immune responses, which can be influenced
by exposure to non-tuberculous mycobacteria, test technique, and duration
and severity of infection. Despite advancements in direct M. bovis detection,
mycobacterial culture remains the primary diagnostic standard. Recent efforts
have explored culture-independent PCR-based methods for identifying
mycobacterial DNA in respiratory samples. This study aimed to detect M. bovis
in nasal swabs from goats (Capra hircus) cohabiting with M. bovis-infected cattle
in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Nasal swabs were collected from 137 communal
goats exposed to M. bovis-positive cattle and 20 goats from a commercial
dairy herd without M. bovis history. Swabs were divided into three aliquots for
analysis. The first underwent GeneXpert® MTB/RIF Ultra assay (Ultra) screening.
DNA from the second underwent mycobacterial genus-specific PCR and
Sanger sequencing, while the third underwent mycobacterial culture followed
by PCR and sequencing. Deep sequencing identified M. bovis DNA in selected
Ultra-positive swabs, confirmed by region-of-difference (RD) PCR. Despite no
other evidence of M. bovis infection, viable M. bovis was cultured from three
communal goat swabs, confirmed by PCR and sequencing. Deep sequencing of
DNA directly from swabs identified M. bovis in the same culture-positive swabs
and eight additional communal goats. No M. bovis was found in commercial
dairy goats, but various NTM species were detected. This highlights the risk of M.
bovis exposure or infection in goats sharing pastures with infected cattle. Rapid
Ultra screening shows promise for selecting goats for further M. bovis testing.
These techniques may enhance M. bovis detection in paucibacillary samples
and serve as valuable research tools.
DATA AVAILABITY STATEMENT: The datasets presented in this study can be found in an online
repository available at: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/browser/search
under project reference number PRJEB70955. Moreover, samples-,
experiment- and run accession numbers can be found under
Supplementary material.