dc.contributor.advisor |
Prinsloo, Willem S. (Willem Sterrenberg), 1944- |
dc.contributor.postgraduate |
Kirkpatrick, James Dudley |
dc.date.accessioned |
2024-12-02T08:47:00Z |
dc.date.available |
2024-12-02T08:47:00Z |
dc.date.created |
2024-12-02 |
dc.date.issued |
1993-12 |
dc.description |
Thesis (DDIv)--University of Pretoria, 1993. |
en_US |
dc.description.abstract |
English: For the past 50 years the book Zephaniah has been the object of intense research.
This research has been done from diverse methodological angles; except for obtuse
references, the theme of eschatology has, however, not been examined extensively.
Although Zephaniah has recieved its quota of research, the eschatological character
of the book justifies further research. Such research requires the analysis of both the
literary aspects and the historical contexts.
The confusion surrounding the use of the concept eschatology in Old Testament
studies has led to the formulation of a stipulatory definition at the outset of this
study. The research on the eschatology of the book Zephaniah was done with
reference to this definition. For the formulation of this definition, existing studies on
Old Testament eschatology was integrated and relied on heavily.
That the book Zephaniah is of an eschatological nature, is posed as a hypothesis.
This means that the judgement and salvation themes in the book occur in such a
relationship that it can be described as eschatology. Judgement in Zephaniah has
the characteristics of a radical and final judgement with which the past is relativised.
The judgement thus implies the end of a period. The salvation promises create the
expectation of a new period brought about by Jahwe. The radical judgement words
and promises of salvation are combined in such a manner that separately and
combined they form part of the eschatological concepts of the Old Testament.
The eschatological theme does not only appear in those sections that deal with the
Jorn Jahwe. The manner in which Jerusalem functions as focal point, the place of the
words of condemnation against the foreign nations, the employment of the remnant
theme and the interaction between future expectations and criticism on social,
political and cultic aspects of life, give the book Zephaniah a prominent
eschatological character.
The book Zephaniah represents a perspective on the future in which Jahwe himself
through judgment wil terminate the old period and create a new period which wil be
real and concrete. In the description of the nature of eschatology in the Old
Testament, the book Zephaniah with its characteristic eschatological nature, should
enjoy a more prominent place. |
en_US |
dc.description.abstract |
Afrikaans: Die boek Sefanja was vir die afgelope 50 jaar die voorwerp van intensiewe
navorsing. Hierdie navorsing is uit verskillende metodologiese hoeke gedoen, maar
behalwe vir sydelingse verwysings daarna is die tema van eskatologie nog nie in
behandeling geneem nie. Alhoewel die boek Sefanja dus sy kwota aandag in die
navorsing gekry het, regverdig die eskatologiese karakter van die boek 'n verdere
ondersoek. Die onderwerp van die studie vereis dat die literere aspekte saam met
die historiese konteks ontleed moet word.
Die verwarring met betrekking tot die gebruik van die begrip eskatologie in OuTestamentiese
studies het daartoe gelei dat daar ter aanvang in hierdie studie 'n
stipulatiewe definisie geformuleer is. Aan die hand hiervan is die ondersoek na
eskatologie in die boek Sefanja gedoen. Vir die formulering van so 'n definisie is
aansluiting gevind en gesteun op resultate van studies wat reeds op die terrein van
die eskatologie in die Ou Testament gedoen is.
As hipotese word gestel dat die boek Sefanja 'n eskatologiese karakter vertoon. Dit
beteken dat die oordeel- en heilstemas in die boek in so 'n verhouding tot mekaar
staan dat van eskatologie gepraat kan word. Die oordeel het in die boek Sefanja die
karakter van 'n radikale en finale oordeel waarmee die verlede gerelativeer word.
Die oordeel impliseer dus die einde van 'n tydvak. Die heilswoorde bring 'n
verwagting onder woorde waarin 'n nuwe tyd in die vooruitsig gestel word wat deur
die toedoen van J ahwe sal aanbreek. Die radikale oordeelswoord en die beloftes
van heil word op so 'n wyse gekombineer dat dit afsonderlik en gesamentlik deel
uitmaak van die eskatologiese denke in die Ou Testament.
Die tema van eskatologie kom nie net voor in die gedeeltes wat oor die Jam Jahwe
handel nie. Die wyse waarop Jerusalem as fokuspunt funksioneer, die plek van die
oordeelswoorde teen die vreemde volke, die aanwending van die oorblyfseltema en
die wisselwerking tussen toekomsverwagting en kritiek op die sosiale, politiese en
kultiese aspekte van die lewe gee aan die boek Sefanja 'n prominente eskatologiese
Die boek Sefanja verteenwoordig 'n toekomsperspektief waarin Jahwe self die ou
tydvak deur oordeel tot 'n einde sal bring en 'n nuwe tydvak in die konkrete
werklikheid tot stand sal bring. In die beskrywing van die aard van die eskatologie in
die Ou Testament kan die boek Sefanja met sy kenmerkend eskatologiese karakter
'n meer prominente plek inneem. |
en_US |
dc.description.availability |
Unrestricted |
en_US |
dc.description.degree |
DDiv |
en_US |
dc.description.department |
Old Testament Studies |
en_US |
dc.description.faculty |
Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences |
en_US |
dc.identifier.citation |
* |
en_US |
dc.identifier.uri |
http://hdl.handle.net/2263/99702 |
dc.language.iso |
Afrikaans |
en_US |
dc.publisher |
University of Pretoria |
dc.rights |
© 2021 University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. |
dc.subject |
en_US |
dc.title |
Eskatologie in die boek Sefanja |
en_US |
dc.type |
Thesis |
en_US |