The geology of the Dwars river fragment and the ore-minerals of the magnetite-deposit of Kennedy's vale 361 kt. Eastern Transvaal

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dc.contributor.postgraduate Van Rensburg, Willem Cornelius 2024-11-27T09:16:23Z 2024-11-27T09:16:23Z 22/01/13 1962
dc.description Dissertation (MSc (Geology))--University of Pretoria, 1962.
dc.description.abstract During the field-seasons of 1960 and 1961 an area of 60 square miles was mapped in the vicinity of Kennedy's Vale~ District Lydenburge so acquired is presented on the map. The information The Dwars River Fragment, a mass of metamorphosed rocks of the Pretoria Series, is present in the western part of the area. The Fragment consists of quartzite 9 hornfels, metamorphosed dolomitic limestone and mafic rocks forming sills, belonging to both the Lydenburg and naruleng types as defined by Willemse (1959, p. xliii). These rocks have been folded into a doubly plunging anticline and a syncline plunging south. The Fragment is to be explained in one of three ways. It either represents a "bulge" in the floor of the Bushveld Igneous Complex, a xenolith or a horst between two downfaulted blocks of plutonic rocks" Mafic and Ultramafic plutonic rocks of the 13ushveld Complex were also investigated. A mineragraphic description of the ore minerals of the Merensky Reef is included and an attempt is made to determine the t0nperature range of formation of the sulphides$ Microscopical evidence and X-ray diffraction data point to a range from above 70-6°C. The lower limit is ~ot known. Maghemite and martite are only present at or near the surface of the magnetite deposit on Kennedy's Vale. The existence of intermediate stages in the magnetite-maghemite series is indicated by the experimental data, and the oxidation of magnetite , Ornithogalum Thyrsoides resulted in the formation of predominantly "maghemite" at temperatures below about 500°c, whereas martite formed in minute quantities below 700°C and more extensively above this temperature. A study of the sulphide minerals associated with the ultramafic pegmatoid showed that they should be classified with the pegrnatitic ore-deposits, as defined by Niggli (1954, p.513) as far as their association with rocks of definite pegmatoidal origin is concerned. Regarding their temperature of formation, they do, however, resemble ortho-magmatic deposits. It is proposed that such an assemblage be referred to as pegmatoidal. A statistical investigation of the accuracy and reproducibility of values obtained with a CdS - photocell reflectometer indicates that this instrument is to aid in ore-mineral identification. By means of quantitative reflectivity and micro-indentation hardness measurements, the presence of intermediate members of the magnetite-maghemite series was established. MSc (Geology)
dc.description.department Geology
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher University of Pretoria
dc.rights © 2024 University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria.
dc.subject Geology
dc.subject Dwars river
dc.subject Ore--minerals
dc.subject UCTD
dc.title The geology of the Dwars river fragment and the ore-minerals of the magnetite-deposit of Kennedy's vale 361 kt. Eastern Transvaal
dc.type Dissertation

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