The mineralogy of the Kalahari Manganese-field north of Sishen, Cape Province

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dc.contributor.advisor Willemse, J.
dc.contributor.advisor Visser, D.J.L.
dc.contributor.postgraduate De Villiers, Pierre Retief 2024-11-27T09:16:12Z 2024-11-27T09:16:12Z 22/01/25 1965
dc.description Thesis (DSc (Geology))--University of Pretoria, 1965.
dc.description.abstract The subject matter of this treatise is based on observations of the deposits of manganese ore at the mines Hotazel, Devon, Langdon, Smartt, Adams, Mamatwan and Black Rock which are all in the Kalahario This area is referred to as the Kalahari Manganese-field and the investigation is devoted to the geology and the structure of this field, and in particular to the mineralogy and the geochemistry of the manganese ore and the associated rocks as well as to thermal data on the manganese minerals. It is considered that the rocks of the Upper Griquatown Stage in the Kalahari Manganese-field were deposited in a basin in which the precipitation of manganese was greatly attenuated towards the Korannaberg, the Upper Griquatown Stage of which is correlated stratigraphically with that of the Langberg. The gology of the mines of the Kalahari Manganesefield is described, two geological maps are provided, one for the Kalahari Manganese-field as a whole and one for Black Rock. The mineralogical investigation comprises the main study of this treatise. Altogether 28 minerals are described, some of them in detail. The minerals nsutite, rhodochrosite, ankerite, acmite, cymrite, tremolite, talc and piedmontite have not previously been reported in the rocks of the Upper Griquatown Sta~e of the Kalahari Manganese-field. The mineral cymrite is known from only three other localities els€where in the world. According to the literature there appears to be a close relationship between cymrite and the barium feldsparso Todorokite does not seem to represent replaced asbestos fibre as postulated by many geologists. DSc (Geology)
dc.description.department Geology
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher University of Pretoria
dc.rights © 2024 University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria.
dc.subject Mineralogy, Kalahari Manganese-field
dc.subject Sishen
dc.subject Cape province
dc.subject UCTD
dc.title The mineralogy of the Kalahari Manganese-field north of Sishen, Cape Province
dc.type Thesis

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