This paper presents the development of a virtual reality (VR) welding simulator to support
traditional welder training. It is specifically aimed at the upskilling of welders involved in the
manufacturing of railway vehicles and can assist with training welders, improving
turnaround time, reducing waste, and saving costs. Augmented reality (AR) welding
simulators have been introduced in the industry with great success, and the usage of
modelled welding equipment with AR markers makes the experience realistic and
encapsulating. Developing a welding simulator using VR technology is presented as an
alternative to industry-standard AR simulators to support traditional welding training.
The VR simulator is developed for metal inert gas (MIG) welding. A VIVE Tracker is
combined with a physical MIG torch to immerse the welder into the virtual welding
environment. Svantek vibration measurement instrumentation is used to measure the
steadiness of the hand movement. The welder can adjust the virtual welding parameters,
and during the welding process, the system calculates the working angle, travel speed and
centre-to-weld distance (CTWD) of the weld. After completing the weld, an overall welding
score is provided to quantify the quality of the welding process.
The VR Simulator was validated using differently skilled participants, and it was concluded
that it could contribute to the upskilling of welders. It is an emerging technology and should
be embraced by using future technology for future upskilling.