Beryllium is used widely in industry due to its favourable elemental properties. Its extraction and subsequent incorporation
into alloys and composites generate hazardous fumes and dust. Chronic beryllium disease (CBD) is an occupational
interstitial lung disease that clinically resembles sarcoidosis. We present a case of a 33-year-old jeweller who developed
CBD from exposure to dust while grinding unfinished gemstones. While workplace protection exists for beryllium workers,
the health risks in artisans are unrecognised. Most cases are diagnosed in industries primarily involved in the use of
beryllium (Table I); however, in our case the exposure to beryllium was unexpected. Lymphocyte proliferation testing for
beryllium is a key investigation in patients with suspected CBD. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of CBD
diagnosed in a jeweller in South Africa.