SUPPORTING INFORMATION : APPENDIX S1. Random forest predicted species richness for January (top left), February (top right), March (bottom left), and January–February (bottom right) using Landsat 8 optimal variables.
APPENDIX S2. Random forest predicted species diversity for January (top left), February (top right), March (bottom left), and January–February (bottom right) using Landsat 8 optimal variables.
APPENDIX S3. Random forest predicted species richness for January (top left), February (top right), March (bottom left), and January–February (bottom right) using Sentinel-2 optimal variables.
APPENDIX S4. Random forest predicted species diversity for January (top left), February (top right), March (bottom left), and January–February (bottom right) using Sentinel-2 optimal variables.
DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in Google Earth Engine at 0a7251d85e04c56d261069189cbc17ff.