Introduction: The caring experiences of nurses has an effect on their attitudes towards mental health care users (MHCUs) with intellectual disability (ID). Negative experiences may result in ineffective treatment, affecting the self-esteem and treatment participation of MHCUs and their caregivers. The caring experiences of nurses working with MHCUs with ID in a selected hospital in Limpopo province were not known.
Objectives: The aim of the study was to explore and describe the experiences of nurses caring for MHCUs with ID at a hospital in Limpopo province. The findings informed recommendations for nurses caring for MHCUs with ID with reference to nursing practice, education and research.
Methods: A qualitative descriptive exploratory design was employed to conduct the study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and the research sample consisted of eight participants guided by the principle of data saturation. In this research thematic analysis was employed as a primary method for data analysis. During the research process, information was gathered from nurses caring for MHCUs with ID. Qualitative data analysis was used to derive the findings. Trustworthiness was attained via credibility, dependability, confirmability, authenticity and transferability.
Findings: Following an analysis of the data, four themes were identified: caring experiences, challenging experiences, coping experiences, and measures to improve caring for MHCUs with ID. The participants stated that more staff members should be employed and they must be trained in how to care for MHCUs with ID.