SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION : Additional file 1. Table 1. Summary of genomes analysed during this
study that were correctly identified.
AVAILABILITY OF DATA AND MATERIAL : Genome data for the Penicillium genomes are publicly available in the NCBI
genome database (https:// www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ datas ets/ genome). The
datasets generated from Trichoderma atroviride during the current study are
available in the NCBI repository, https:// www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ biopr oject/
923860. For the Penicillium species from dry cured meat the genome assembly
and annotations are available from JGI Fungal genome portal MycoCosm
under JGI Projects: 1,289,827 (ITEM 15300), 1,289,819 (ITEM 18316), 1,289,903
(ITEM 18327), and have been deposited to GenBank under BioProjects:
PRJNA970850 (ITEM 15300), PRJNA971651 (ITEM 18316), PRJNA970851
(ITEM 18327). Genome assembly and annotations are available from JGI
Fungal genome portal MycoCosm under JGI Project Id 1,289,847 and has
been deposited to GenBank under BioProject n.PRJNA971650 (BioSample n.
SAMN35051277; Project Accession n. SRP442271). The genomic sequences of
T. carnegiei have been deposited at DDJ/EMBL/GenBank under the accession
JANYMD000000000. This paper describes the first version. The genomes of the
Pewenomyces species have been deposited in the NCBI genome database.