Prayer, meditation and contemplation have long been established as essentials in human life
all over the world. Yet, even by a religious devotee, they are regarded in one way or another
as insignificant and secondary: what is taken into accounts is just getting things done. Thus,
prayer sounds simply as ‘saying words’, and meditation is an obscure and complicated
practice not easily understood. Even if there is any advantage, it is recognised and perceived
as totally detached from the life of average people. Contemplative life is indeed sometimes
seen as something sceptical. The article challenges the perspective and saying that the absolute
principle of prayer is intensifying intimate accomplishment in love, the awareness of God. The
authentic goal of meditation is the search and discovery of advanced dimensions in freedom,
illumination and love, in intensifying our awareness of our life in God. Besides, people usually
consider contemplative life as the opposite of active life and prefer to contemplative life. Using
one of the greatest Catholic mystic’s perspective, the article shows that contemplative life is
not better than active and not vice versa. Both are necessary. In this case, the article also put
into a dialogue with Islamic spirituality.
CONTRIBUTION : This article enriches the current debate on contemplation and action; it also
shatters the complains that mysticism, instructs and guides abandonment from worldly
interests and introduces what we can called a new mysticism, that is, an ‘activist mysticism
of dynamised silence’.
DATA AVAILABILITY : Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data
were created or analysed in this study.
This research is part of the research project ‘Understanding Reality (Theology and Nature)’, directed by Prof. Dr Johan Buitendag, Department of Systematic and Historical Theology, Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Pretoria.
Special Collection: Johan Buitendag Festschrift, sub-edited by Andries van Aarde (University of Pretoria, South Africa).